morning all... merry xmas, etc. guess my xmas wish kinda came true, tons of rubins, cheaper prof. hits though. i'm just going to say this about anyone complaining. instead of whining about it, badmouthing the requester, and spouting all kinds of ridiculously uninformed economic 'principles', why don't you try to do something constructive about it instead? workers have never made progress without organizing and leveraging the only real strength they have - numbers - to pressure the powers that be into making concessions. otherwise we might still be working 18 hour days in factories alongside 8 year olds. the problem with this situation is, who do you appeal to? there is no government. there are no captains of industry. this is a completely unregulated market. i'm the most liberal liberal that ever liberal'd, economically and otherwise, but to expect 'fairness' in this scenario is just self-delusion. we're not contracted. we're not unionized. there are no rules governing what requesters can and can't do aside from the TOS, and we see how effective that is. hell, they get away with what's roughly equivalent to wrongful termination via blocks, and bounced paychecks via rejection, all the time. sorry, but some of you are really coming off like a spoiled kid who woke up and found out you got an ipad mini instead of an ipad.
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Yeah, I don't see why you had to get so vitriolic. Seeing as the entire point of what I'm saying is to try and get people to realize that this type of treatment is wrong.
And the bits about "self-delusion" PERFECTLY illustrate the bullshit worker exploitation apologism that leads EXACTLY to this type of stuff. I'm not going to keep wasting my time saying this, but I guess you people really don't understand that when someone decides to cut our pay 40% on Christmas, it's a BAD THING FOR WORKERS. Period.
Let's call it Ralphie Syndrome - in honor of the movie A Christmas Story Merry Xmas Sas - hope you got some sleep and are enjoying the day.
The problem here is the way you lack communication skills. Did you consider the fact that you are insulting everyone's intelligence by assuming that we/they don't understand economics, management of employees, etc? We f'n get it. Again, money is money. This is the bottom line. Get over yourself and move on...nothing personal.
And it's not self-delusional to not want your pay cut 40% on Christmas. To say that it is is pathetic right wing apologism.
You don't know what exploitation means, dude. Why would I work on Rubins when they pay me less than what I'm doing? If you had good quals, why would you be doing them in the first place? You seem angry, dude. Sorry that you're never gonna get out of your parent's basement at this rate
While I do agree, we don't even know the full motivation behind the pay cut. Apparently they weren't happy with the overall quality of work they were getting, and many people here (myself included) have noticed the trickle-down of shit work from the course HITs. It's entirely possible they made the decision based on that (though a qual would've been a better solution for their problems). But really, what can we really do right now, short of not working out of protest? It's christmas, let's lighten up regardless.
Sorry, I get slightly annoyed after all the bullshit that workers in this country have had to put up with in the past year, most recently Michigan's "right to work for less"" bill, that people are saying that I'm self-delusional for being upset about a 40% paycut on Christmas Day and the bigger contempt towards workers that that attitude holds.
<3 I agree with the super liberal, and I'm ultra free-market man. Mturk and worldwide competition is the wave of the future. Gone are the days that people will just be able to slack at work making an ungodly wage while screwing around on facebook. Globalization is coming, and it's a good idea to learn some serious skills that will be in demand. The good news is that as more companies realize what a great idea crowdsourcing is, the rate of pay for skilled workers will increase because the workers will be more in demand. Think about the future!
You have no pay. This is exactly like running your own biz. If no customers come in the door, you don't get paid. You are not entitled to those customers. It's just like here. You are not entitled to a job. You always have the option to turn down any job. But if you want to get paid, you put in enough work to get it. Sorry that real life sucks.
I understand the frustration and the bottom line is to keep your motivation and that's about mindset. If you see yourself as a victim of circumstance, you become one. If you see yourself as taking and opportunity more become available. Cheer up. It's Christmas.