Good morning Turkers! I know, I know, late as "turn yourself in criminal!" But I'm here! Time to play in the sandbox! Make sure your all send you warm thanks to Granit, Libby101a and Momo for all their great finds! The more that search and list "Great Hit's, The Better We All Do!" Today's arbitrary goal is still: $25.oo Several users have been reaching it consistently lately and I would ask that they make sure they are scouring and finding Great HITs too! Only 172k HITs on mTurk right now so we're gonna really have to dig to find 'em! Today may be a batch HIT day. Which is cool because getting those numbers up is important too. Kind of like on the job training, so to speak. Please try to keep the referals to at least $0.10 per minute or $6.oo per hour with the exception of good batch HIT finds. Now! Lets "Go Make That Money!"
$1.oo Survey -Answer an survey about your last apartment search Hey! Start with this one... $1.oo survey on apartment searching. Doing it now. Req: Zeke Araki
Says 5-10 minutes. 0.50 Doing it now will update time. EDIT: Wanted me to download something to my computer so I returned the HIT. Sorry.
Elizabeth Roodhouse Make 6-7 choices between pairs of new products (images) Easy and short $0.40 took me just under 4 min
15 mins Decision Research Requester: Consumer Researcher pays $1.00 update-Took me about 9 minutes, I typed a lot in the responses, though. $0.15 per hit 30sec to 1 min. No TO so beware. *I only did 2 wish my rating could handle more. >.>
CrowdSource BATCH! $0.09 - Judge the Sentiment of a Gaming Comment Good BATCH from GREAT requester. This one requires that you received the qual from the $0.50 HIT. Have Fun! **EDIT*** They moved it! $0.14 HIT and search by requester name or title! Over 1.300 available! $0.14 each! SWEET!!!
It is not up right now. Must be nice to be able to grab them lol I am so jelous right now! Someone is hitting $25 today >.> lol
Good Morning Turkers! $0.60 survey 3 min
It was up yesterday - but I know CrowdSource. If you email them they will tell you when they plan to put the $0.50 qualifiers up again... Right now there are only 24 people with the qualification - so it's a very sweet deal! YAY!!!
$0.30 survey 3 min
bah granits hits vanish before i can get to them lol, that one i got to open bu tthe half a secodn to bring my mouse down to accept it was gone lol