Can't Find Great Hits?? 12/07 Sailing onwards Saturday!!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Dec 7, 2013.

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  1. skb

    skb User

    Its inquisit.
  2. Dogan

    Dogan User

    Bear, there's a show that made me think of you. Brickleberry.
  3. skb

    skb User

    Title: Participate in a scientific study and earn a bonus payment
    Requester: Jan K. Woike [AG6JFKMXX57AR] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    ***** 3.00 Communicativity
    ***** 2.50 Generosity
    ***** 2.50 Fairness
    ***** 2.75 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 6
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Participate in a study, in which you will go through a number of different tasks. You can gain up to $1.50 in bonus payments depending on your performance (about $1 bonus on average). The study takes about 40-60 minutes for most participants.
    Reward: $2.50
    Qualifications: HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95

    Anyone do one of these. Is it really 30-50?
  4. Daniel Tosh made this? SHEESH LOW QUALITY
  5. skb

    skb User

    Nevermind, I read the TO. I don't care enough to try it out.
  6. skb

    skb User

    Blah, I am tired. Night all!
  7. I liked that show as a kid then I tried watching it recently and realized it kinda sucks.
  8. WIFOOOOOOOOO. Stop talking about ****ty shows and TAL KTO MEEE
  9. manzician

    manzician User

    Good morning :)
  10. Morning Manz!!
  11. I'm tired. I think the reason you aren't hibernating is you gave your winter sleepies to me *yawn*
  12. Tribune

    Tribune User

    You think Tosh sets the bar high?

    I think of Tosh as Comedy Central's Pat Sejak, only in reverse.

    When Jeopardy ends, I must leap out of whatever I'm doing to change the channel fast. Otherwise, I get subjected to Wheel .. of .. Fortune.

    In a temporal reversal, if Tosh.0 ever appears prior to The Daily Show, I manage to be a little late for Jon Stewart.

    I'm afraid that if I see any more of that Tosh guy I'll become too stupid to turk anymore.

    If it's an acquired taste, I would see a doctor.
  13. manzician

    manzician User

  14. weirdest

    weirdest User

    After a month of 'try, try again,' I'm finally acing the quality checks on a batch, without the help of the guideline. The feels...!

  15. Its because I want to go to pound town on you THATS WHY
  16. wut bush
  17. weirdest

    weirdest User

    I can't tell you, you might pee on it.

    lol ok come on share it. Sharing is caring.
  19. Some Funicular's would be good right about now!!!!
  20. manzician

    manzician User

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