Can't Find Great Hits? 4/21 Triple Trillion Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Apr 21, 2015.

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  1. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Yeah it is seriously annoying some of the things they put masters on. Like I think there was a chem batch up before where to do it well you really wanted to have people doing like O chem or something of that nature. So you want grad students/doctors in O chem to do your hits and then you restrict it to masters. You're simply not going to find many people who can do your hit correctly. Of course mturk defaults to masters and new requesters just don't know any better.
  2. frood

    frood User

    Dang. Missed more Burkes.

    I was off making a lego NCC-1701, though. So it's good! >: P
  3. ladylilac

    ladylilac User

    Endor only allowed 50 on the whisper. Not fond of the low pay either. Lucky for them, I'm desperate for money and easy hits.
  4. I have been the same way. All of the scripts kind of overwhelm me. What is the difference between using hit scraper for surveys or just searching for the higher paying surveys on mturk itself?
  5. Bald

    Bald User

    Robert rejection reversed. Never emailed or anything. Thanks bro
  6. frood

    frood User

    That's some guitar godliness right there!

    I like this one, too.

  7. Manweysabi

    Manweysabi User

    I haven't done many of those today because of the rather low pay, but the cut off does reset quite quickly. If you go back in a few minutes, it would let you do some.
  8. Oh, that sounds so awesome.

    I posted this a while ago but never got an answer: when I accept the whisper HITs (I've tried 3 times) I get an error telling me to refresh the page, but refreshing/reloading (the entire page and the frame) don't help.

    Can someone tell me how to solve it? Sorry to repeat myself.
  9. My understanding, which is very, very basic as I have not used it (but have looked at it and read a small amount about it) is that it lets you set certain parameters that allow you to snatch up a HIT/batch faster than most people who are searching on mturk will be able to find and accept it.
  10. Ryberg

    Ryberg User


    Looks like I'll call it a night with that amount.
  11. Bald

    Bald User

    Endor is related to Google, and there are many Google requesters on MTurk. John Smith, Burke, Sergey, Endor, etc.

    Usually when you return a Google HIT on MTurk, you will not be able to complete another Google related HIT until the timer expires on the HIT that you returned.

    My best guess is that you returned a HIT from a Google related requester, so you may have to wait a bit before the Endor Voice HIT will load. Try returning your Endor HITs. Do not accept anymore for 10-15 minutes. Might solve the problem. Otherwise, if you keep trying to do one and end up having to return another one, you will have to wait longer before you can do them again. make sense?
  12. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    YES... One of the best bands back in the day, unique and great sound. Colin Hay still plays solo at small clubs these days, still sounds great, and is very funny as well with incorporating comedy in his act... Men At Work, ah brings back so many good memories...
  13. ladylilac

    ladylilac User

    One suggestion is to do them straight out of the hit and set it to automatically accept the next hit.

    Another is to use Incognito mode, which seems to work for many.

    Once you get that message, you won't be able to get another to work for 5 minutes (the duration of the hit).

    And I was able to accept another. Yay!
  14. frood

    frood User

    It's super awesome! I'll show off some pics when I am done. I saw it on sale and decided to treat myself since my little cousin is no longer living down here. (He was my lego buddy.)

    To solve that issue, you just need to go through the ones you have in your queue until you find the one that works and continue from there. A lot of times it's the first one you accepted but those Endors didn't seem to work like that for me tonight.
  15. twirdman

    twirdman User

    One of the big advantage of hit scraper is it allows you to block certain requesters so they don't clog up your search.
  16. Sharkl11

    Sharkl11 User

    Projected Earnings for Today $17.21
    Burke is saving my ass these days. $15 daily goal met!!!

  17. That's worth it just for that reason lol
  18. Bald

    Bald User

    Got some more of these, work great with the old script

    Title: Search: Keywords on (US)
    Requester: CrowdSource [A2SUM2D7EOAK1T] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    3.84 Communicativity
    3.85 Generosity
    4.30 Fairness
    4.33 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 606
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Copy and paste the most relevant result for each provided keyword.
    Time: 16 minutes
    Hits Available: 37
    Reward: $0.06
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 200, HIT approval rate (%) is not less than 95, Location is US

  19. They do this to me in FF but then work when I use Chrome.
  20. frood

    frood User

    They were truly one of the greats. And yes, Hay has still got every bit of it. Gathering Mercury was fantastic and I see he has a new one, yay! I would love to see him live someday.

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