Can't find great HITs? 5/21 Wannabe Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by lanone, May 20, 2014.

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  1. HITs Submitted 4391 —
    ... Approved 4304 100.0%
    ... Rejected 2 0.0%
    ... Pending 85 —

    So I've been trying to pennyfuck my way to 5k doing stuff like Redwood error correcting and I come across some of the most dicked up transcribing. Someone actually had the audacity to write a long paragraph full of gay eroticism in addition to what they were supposed to transcribe. So like a chump, I clicked on about 150 words of pure gayness for .02. You win, a*shole. You win. I just hope these trolls get hard blocked because they're ruining it for everyone else.
  2. Gotta be handy with the steel if you know what I mean, earn ya keep!
  3. Kights

    Kights User

    Oh is it usps horror story time, I'm still waiting on this package that was 2 day shipped to ohio, check it out.

  4. jawz

    jawz User

  5. Kights

    Kights User

    I don't even know, i've talked to them like 20 times and they just keep freaking shipping it around kansas.
  6. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Perhaps UPS hates Ohio. Also, I'm guessing they screwed up the zipcode. I never had a UPS 2-day take more than 2 days. Sometimes it took just one.
  7. rickyson33

    rickyson33 User

    things were really looking up on my awful day a while ago

    Chicago was winning 2-0 for that $10 thing and I got that OCMP qual

    then Los Angeles ends up winning 6-2 and I never got to do even a single hit with that qual yet because of those damn servers
  8. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    I was suppose to drive up to OH on Monday. I had a panic attack before I got there. I turned around and went back home. Seriously, **** Ohio.
  9. jTurker

    jTurker User

    I had a similar experience, package was supposed to arrive in 3-4 days. I live near Charlotte, the package was coming from Kentucky, I believe. It went through Raleigh and then to Charlotte then back to Greensboro, then for some reason it was sent to California. It spent like one week rolling around NC, another week to get to California and then another week back to NC, then it was promptly sent to the wrong Post office where it was rerouted back to the seller.
  10. Karamazov

    Karamazov User

    spent the last thirty minutes explaining why Malcolm X is important to me

    while my girlfriend picked at my flesh

    why is the beer so limited

    oh god.
  11. Kights

    Kights User

    Yeah the zipcode was messed up, that's why it was sent to michigan. And I get that I shouldn't have got it in 2 days, but when they looked at it in michigan, I have no idea why they didn't just fix it and send it to ohio. They decided to send it to kansas, and kansas apparently just doesn't know how to do anything but send it back and forth to different sides of kansas city.
  12. Delphy

    Delphy User

    first time I heard this I thought it was funny

  13. Chicago ain't taking that two cups in a row away from Detroit. I'll bet you 10 bucks here and now. :p
  14. rickyson33

    rickyson33 User

    oh i'm a Wings fan myself

    I really don't care either way who wins now really I just wanted that $10 :p
  15. SOME MOD make it be known that if Chicago wins the cup then rickyson33 get's ten bucks from me but otherwise I just get to post this gif every time he posts:
  16. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

  17. The bet in my last post is still on, just because I love that gif. You get ten bucks or that gif so it's pretty much win win for you. :p
  18. Cfitz717

    Cfitz717 User

    Search: Image URL (US) from crowdsource are easy as fukk. 9 cents each. First time doing them, so no idea when they cut u off
  19. rickyson33

    rickyson33 User

    what's that from anyways? looks vaguely familiar
  20. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Who's gonna go HAM on those A9 Snaptell Visual Search Requester HITs with me? There's nearly $100 to be made off that batch.
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