Can't Find Hot Awesome Wonderful Kreative Superb HIT's?- 02/02 Super Bowl Sunday!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. strray

    strray User

    Ok I'm sleepy gonna go lay down.
  2. Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2014
  3. extracash

    extracash User

    No, no, I mean check the bottle of what you're taking now. Does it actually say Lortab on it, or does it say something like "hydrocodone (generic Lortab)"?

    And most people aren't hugely educated on prescription medications. It's overwhelming. It's why so many bad things happen, and people often get sicker rather than better. It's kind of a bugbear of mine, so I keep myself educated. It's also part of my day job.
  4. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

    Just got done rating Super Bowl commercials... $0.30 each(only got in 10, oh well). Easiest money I've made in a while.
  5. dalouie

    dalouie User

    Genetically modify bamboo with built in Viagra. Problem Solved.
  6. Yes. Anyone who wants to create a brand new team is a team player. People who aren't team players think there are already enough teams.
  7. skb

    skb User

  8. Ohh. No, it just says Lortab on it.

    I know almost nothing about health issues/medications, but I've worked in call center management for 7 years. So if you ever need to know anything about customer service, I'm your girl! lol
  9. Mills

    Mills User

    skb, don't tell me about Downton Abbey! I keep recording it on my computer, putting it on my tablet, and forgetting to watch it. I'll have to watch it in a binge-watching session some day. Have fun watching it!
  10. skb

    skb User

    Have you seen any of this season? Also I can give you links to just stream it on your tablet instead of downloading;)
  11. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

  12. Sure. Im leaving.
  13. VORP

    VORP User

    I wish bears played Hockey. Then way less humans would.
  14. Mills

    Mills User

    I haven't watched any of this season, so I don't want to know anything! For example, I knew Matthew would die last season.

    ETA: Streaming doesn't work too well on my connection, but thanks for thinking of it! :D
  15. skb

    skb User

    Okay, so everything is going swimmingly, not a drop of drama:rolleyes:
  16. [video=youtube;mjtUTsvcCvc][/video]
  17. skb

    skb User

    have you tried setting up a stream long before you actually want to watch? You know I am not technical, but when I lived out on the eastcoast we only had mediacom and the internet was awful. I would start streaming something and pause it about an hour before I would actually try to watch it.
  18. Mills

    Mills User


    Be careful! I saw part of the end of the one on tonight (by accident), so I could do a spoiler, too!
  19. skb

    skb User

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