Title: Complete a 10-15 minute survey about your attitudes on various political issues Requestor: Sarah Fulton This is an academic survey of political attitudes. To be eligible, you must live in the United States, be 18 years of age or older, and speak English as your primary language. The survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes. At the end of the survey, you will receive an MTurk Completion Code that you will need to enter into the box below to receive credit for taking this survey. This HIT is may be reposted. Please do not complete it a second time. You will not be compensated a second time
It should be there. We currently have a 80% approval set to be able to view it. We also posted it about an hour and a half ago so it might be further back. Hopefully, searching the title, or key phrase: political attitude, will locate it.
Often times HITs get snatched quickly. Which is good for requesters. There's way more Turkers than HITs so there's competition in getting to them. I will keep my eye out for it. Thanks.
We plan on releasing a much larger batch hopefully later tonight once we verify our test batch is working correctly. Thank you for your help!