Fustrated at Crowdflower and Redwood

Discussion in 'General' started by Scott, Jul 10, 2012.

  1. Scott

    Scott User

    These are the ones where you accept and then get a note saying "Sorry all work done" or "No hits avaliable!"

    Thus now my accept rate is at about 95% (down from 98-99%) as I have to return or the hits get abandoned as I refresh hoping work appears.

    There needs to be a way to "submit" when this happens - they can still toss a penny your way.. (a way to avoid abuse is to reject when you do it more than once in a hour or something..)
  2. Yes, same here. VERY!
  3. bitler2000

    bitler2000 User

    Yeah I hate that when that happens.
  4. fnrhcp

    fnrhcp Member

    On a good HIT I can only get 2-3 HITs without being told there are none available ruining my returns approval rating. ughhh!!
  5. CrowdFlower has stated on their website that most of their HITs need to be returned by the workers because for most Hits Mturk doesnt provide them with accurate measure to know the details of a worker while they are previewing those HIT's
  6. wahmbrenda

    wahmbrenda User

    At least none of the requesters ever care about your return rate
  7. That is a good point. I didn't know that at first and was panicking about my return rate!
  8. hapless

    hapless Guest

    My return rate is insane ... I have many strange reasons for returning HITs ...
  9. Scott

    Scott User

    Thats very important - I am glad none worry too much on the returned rate - i am at about 5% returned but I was around 1-2% before I started working crowdflower - But I have noticed on the approval pictures, if you keep the hit for a bit, and refresh you get some work now and then. -
  10. chaos

    chaos User

    Redwood ones are weird. The basic caption requirement hits in particular will often say there are several hundred hits, but you do one (within just a couple seconds) and then next thing you know it says there are none left. I know they could go fast, but I've done enough penny hits to know that they don't go THAT fast.
  11. turkinallday

    turkinallday New Member

    YES! This irritates me sooooo much...and the worse part is they don't even warn you before you get the:

    "Sorry, there are no more remaining HIT's."

    That's why now I only do 2-3 HIT's on certain tasks. :cool:

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