Hello from new requester: Mosaic

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by mosaic, Sep 15, 2015.

  1. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Hi everyone,

    New to mturk forum and wanted to introduce myself. We ran a few hit batches today (ID A13O1IUYSLY5M4), so if you participated, thanks a bunch. We will be doing a few thousand more over the next few days.

    I’m part of a team of three ("mosaic") that is focusing on large volume receipt transcription for now, but we’re ramping up to a number of different tasks in the coming weeks and months.

    We’d love tips on how to best recruit as well as on how to design for speed. Already we've gotten great feedback on design, so tomorrow we're spending a few hours improving our approach.

    I’ve enjoyed reading the forums and have learned a great deal there and through feedback on our initial hits. Thoughtful stuff and very helpful for someone who wants to streamline and properly craft the worker experience.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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  3. Monica

    Monica User

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Hi mosaic,

    Thanks for coming to our forum. There's a few things that were pointed out when this was posted on the main hits thread, and I'm not sure if you had caught them (it can move quickly).

    First, it seems like these pay appropriately for the amount of work that needs to be put into it. People had expressed that while they don't normally do receipt population tasks they were willing to do yours since it compensated well. Also, I had suggested that there be a function for us workers to rotate the image, in the case that it's oriented wrong. Another worker piggy backed off of that suggestion and said that she felt it would also be helpful if there was a way to zoom in on receipts also, since sometimes they are very small and hard to read.

    There was also a bit of concern over the message after completing the four tasks: "Thank you for working on our HITs! Unfortunately, all of the remaining HITs in this project have been reserved for other workers, and there are none left for you to do. Please check again later for more HITs to be available. We are new to the Mechanical Turk, and we appreciate your feedback. Please e-mail us with any thoughts. We hope you consider mentioning us on Turkopticon and elsewhere in the Turker community". This gives the impression that the work that had already been completed might not be accepted.

    I didn't see anything else personally, but I'm sure more workers will be willing to try your hit out and give feedback as they gain more popularity. It's always very refreshing to see a requester who's open to suggestions from their workers. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any more questions :)
  4. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    @Monica, Thanks for this feedback. The four task limit is only for our "testing/development" phase, and then workers will be able to do them for a long period of time. We're working out the kinks and are ramping up to a qualification task and then more regular batches.

    Speaking of which:

    We're doing another batch at 3:00pm EST (~30 minutes from now). It'll be 2,400 receipts x 4 labels (business, date, total, currency).

    As mentioned above, since we're still in "testing/development" mode, you won't be able to do the task for an extended period of time, but we're working hard to get to that point.

    Also, we'll have a qualification task mid-day tomorrow (Thursday), with details to follow soon.
  5. Monica

    Monica User

    Jan 9, 2014
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    Oh, ok. So as I understand it now - the message at the end is referring to the receipt tasks being completed in the HIT and not the hit itself? I think that the message is a bit confusing, but put in that context makes much more sense.

    I'm very interested in the qualification task tomorrow - thank you for letting us know. It seems like something to look forward to. I really appreciate your feedback and I'm excited to see how this plays out for you. I'll likely be sending you a private message to talk about the qualification more in depth if you don't mind :)

  6. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Hi everyone, we're almost there on this round of quals. Here is a PDF writeup with some preliminary results, with more to follow in the next few hours: http://bit.ly/1G4L5r9.
  7. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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  8. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Hi everyone, just sent the first Mosaic weekly hits email.

    Our goal is to put our plans in one place, and make it into a place where you can easily see stats and know what to expect. The list includes qualified individuals as well as individuals who are not yet qualified, and anyone who wants to be involved in any tier of hits. Here is a link to subscribe if you haven't already! As always, email if you have any questions.
  9. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Hi everyone, we are emerging from a few weeks of engineering work... we've been heads down on building up some behind the scenes parts of the system, which is fun because it's getting better little by little, but is tough because it hasn't left us with any time to communicate. We're also hiring on our team, which will help us do even more.

    I wanted to mention that this week we're starting to ADD new hit types. We're testing a batch of 10,000 images in a few minutes (before 8pm ET on Tuesday), so please look out for that and let us know what you think!

    The interface is actually not the very most recent, but I got impatient and didn't want to wait for the newest version to be merged in... it'll be even slicker soon, but for now, enjoy!!
  10. mosaic

    mosaic Member

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Hey everyone, we're trying something similar to what we did last night but with more hits. Last night you were capped at 50 images per worker, and today the cap is 2,000. Let us know what you think.

    We're posting 20,000 images in about 10 minutes, so spread the word.

    We are just looking for whether there is a person visible on foot.
  11. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    I did one HIT and it crashed twice on me. I got up to .85 cents and it displayed 502 Bad Gateway.

    I'll try again but if it happens again, I'm returning it.

    EDIT: When I went to start over, it displayed that it was over and to collect the bonus and submit so I did so. Guess that was okay but I wasn't able to do my full potential due to server problems.
    #11 Flora, Nov 4, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 4, 2015

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