Highlight Unhighlightable Text in Marketing and Crowdsource HITs

Discussion in 'Scripts' started by lunarobverse, May 28, 2013.

  1. If you're doing the Crowdsource and Marketing "Find Search Engine Rankings" HITs, you may have noticed that the keywords you're searching for aren't highlightable. Normally that would mean you'd have to type those words directly into a Google search, but some kind soul has a solution for you.

    You need to install Tampermonkey (see the HowTo on that here) in Chrome (sorry, these don't reliably work in Firefox), and then install the following two scripts:

    Highlight Unhighlightable Text for Chrome (Marketing)

    Highlight Unhighlightable Text for Chrome (Crowdsource)

    And Bob's your uncle!

    I also like to use this extension, Context Menu Search, for these HITs. Makes it easy to just double-click and drag to highlight the keywords, left-click to bring up the contextual menu, and choose "Search Google for..." to pop open a new tab. Easy-peasy.
  2. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    I used the RightToClick add on for the Marketing hits. He approved all of them but then hard blocked me because he said none of my work showed up. RightToClick stops everything on the page including the timer. I was unable to figure out how to use it without the timer stopping. He unblocked me but I'm afraid to use anything like this to help out with those again.
  3. ubergrad

    ubergrad User

    If you're a firefox user, there's an add on called Right to Click that will allow you to copy from Marketing and Crowdsource HITs. It can get a little wonky in Marketing and has some settings that need to be fine-tuned:

    Uncheck "Disable page timers"
    Uncheck "Disable page mouse-click handlers"

    Tried out your script in chome and it works very smoothly! Thanks lunar!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2013
  4. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    Unchecking those two boxes never made my timer work. I didn't even notice the timer wasn't moving until I had submitted a few. I know there are others on here that couldn't get it to work right as well.
  5. gemgirlco

    gemgirlco Member

    oops wrong thread.
  6. hBoBh

    hBoBh User

    Can't get this to work. :(
  7. Sadly this doesn't work for me either anymore. Odd. It worked fine when I first installed it but now it won't copy in the Marketing HITs anymore.
  8. fred5283

    fred5283 User

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