I need some information about CastingWords. I got their qual about 6 month back, but asked them to remove them since i wasn`t familiar with transcriptions and they spammed my HIT pages (the dark days without scraper ) Since then i worked on many transcriptions and have the high grade quals for all the good transcription requesters. Since i can handle some work work I thought about asking CastingWords to restore my qual. BUT: when i read TO i think it is not worth the thing. do they really pay decent if you get the bonus? do they have a volume bonus or only the grading system? Last question is how standard are their guidelines? hope someone can give me some quality answers
Bloodraven, Probably not. I've been doing CW hits for 6 years and I'm barely holding on to MY quals. And I've had 100s for years at a time, automatic grading, respectfull replies to my messages, etc. Where my goal used to be $30 a day, now it's $10 a day and some days it's hard to make that. Things have changed. The style guide has changed and there are just stupid aspects to it, but you have to follow it. Do what you want, but it's hard for me to believe that they can keep going like this. What I want to know is what you mean, they spammed your HITS? I feel like they are out to get me and stick it to me every chance they get. For example, the grader gave me the comment: excellent transcript. CW found that I missed a space after a label and one other picky little thing and dropped my PPT 2 whole points!
thanks for your answer, think i won`t ask them for the qual then. what i mean with "they spammed my HITs" is that i had literally 100`s of pages only with CW HITs that i didn`t want to work and couldn`t find anything else
Not sure if anyone is even reading this so I guess I'm just venting. PPTs and other scores have continued to plummet for the past year. Now I'm down to 78 as a transcription editor. I had 99 or 100 for years at a time. I'm at a total loss. Feeling unappreciated and singled out. Do what you want folks but CW has always been synomymous with frustration, now I don't know what it is. Impossible to make money consistently. No loyalty or gratitude for the work we give them or have given them. I can totally empathize with you all who have been critical of them on this forum. I didn't reallyh know how bad it was until I turned out to be a victim also.