Hi I have been ill and needed to find something to pay bills that i can do from home. Is it possible that I can eventually make $1000 dollars a month? My expenses a month are really around $1500. I'm hoping I can eventually make this online. Is it possible with Mturk? How many hits do I need to do to get there? Is it that the more hits i do, the more people will qualify me for their hits? Do you guys go through the "All hits" page and just apply for all qualifications"? Do people recommend that speechpad and the website navigation testing site that pays $10 to record website navigation? Any other sites too that i can use to help me pay bills? my mom who has been helping to support me sees me as a burden and I need to figure out how i can pay the bills really soon. thanks for any help you have.
Sure. All you need is internet access and a bit of time each day to work. You could make $35 in 2-3 hours or maybe in 7-8. That all depends on you.
Yes, it's possible, but the majority of people using mturk don't make that much. Expect to put in a lot of effort for that level of income. As far as qualifications, don't bother requesting them. Take tests or do qualification HITs where they are available, but the majority of requesters aren't going to even look at any qualification requests. There are a lot of guides on how to best start out on mturk. I'm sure there are plenty on this very forum. Start with the stickied threads, search around a bit. You'll get plenty of tips.
You'll have to be in for a while before you can make a decent monthly income. You have to do a lot of garbage work (translation: penny hits) at the beginning. Your first goal is 1000 hits. Good luck, and look over all our forums.
Good to know it's possible. I have another question. Why is 1000 hits the original goal? Does it mean that almost every HIT will be easier after that?
Not necessarily. A lot of requesters prefer that the workers that do their hits have more experience under their belt.
Hi, Thank you Admin for approve me as member of this great mturkforum. I am new to mturk please anyone guide me necessary steps to follow to do hits and get earnings. Thank You
I'm only a few days in, but I've done a ton of research and due to my need to make some good money quickly, here's what i've learned. 1. Work - You need to actually work. I set times. Not like specific hours in the day that I'll work so much as "I will work 5 hours" or "Today I'll work 8 hours." This fits my crazy schedule. 2. Read the forums - Seriously. Do it. There is a lot of great information here by a lot of vets who know how to make good money here. Learn from them. 3. Set Goals - Need $1,000 a month? Split it up. You need about $35 a day to get there. Work with that goal always in mind. 4. WORK - Seriously. Facebook and time-killer sites are a killer for your income. When you're working, do actual work. Don't just do one hit and expect that to be your work for the day. It's a grind, but it can pay out if you actually put in the time. Good luck!
Yes it is achievable.. let's say you work around 5 to 6 hours each day and earn around $40 to $60! multiply it by 30 days $40 a day will be $1200 a month what more if you earn $60 per day.
Yes, you can make money here and you can make money by uploading videos on youtube too.It depends on you that how much you earn per months.