For the last few days i donot see any jon brelig hits of receipts except some and Enter the store name .Jon brelig is the top requester of Huge Batches .Why He is not posting Huge Batches .Do Anyone Know Any Reasons .
no offense but good riddance. He can pay his pennies somewhere else. I did them only when I had nothing else to do. Now I do another requester who pays a few cents more. I hope he got the idea that people didn't wanna do his hits and took his work somewhere else Chrissythepoet
I was wondering the same thing. I've only been on here for about 2 months and have about 750 HITS, mostly with Jon Brelig and I guess I kind of got too comfortable with his work. Now I don't see many HITS at all from him. I've tried a few other requesters here and there like Written Paper, Tagasauris and 411Richmond, but I always seem to gravitate back to Brelig's .02, .04 and lately the .05 tasks. I told myself a few weeks ago to try other tasks and be flexible in case Jon Brelig's work was no longer here. Does anybody know if Jon Brelig pulls up stakes at this time every year? Maybe he's coming back in a few months? Anybody anybody?
Why do people think he's leaving? I've only been turking for a few weeks and he's always had HITS up to do day and night. I tend to gravitate to his HITS too, especially if I need to multitask. Also 411Richmod
He usually has tens of thousands of HITs posted and over the past few weeks they have significantly decreased.
Thanks, now I understand. Honestly, I am not going to do anymore of their 6-receipt summaries anymore. I got 4 reject for vague reasons in one day, I am always very careful with all of my HIT work and of course you can never look back to see what they mean. I emailed them, but of course, no response. 411Richmond and the others will be getting my business when I feel like doing receipts.
My very first HIT was a Brelig and I've done hundreds of them since starting. I actually don't mind doing them at all but what has been up the past few weeks just isn't my cup of tea. The 7ยข ones are the ones that I did regularly but those have been few and far between lately.
@MrMattyMatt: I think people might think he's leaving because usually he has thousands of HITS posted under the .10, .09, .08, .07, .04 and .02 cents. It seems the past month or so the only definite HITS avail are the .05 which are the "Extract Info from the 6 Receipts" which right now has over 30K avail to work on. All his other jobs, like the 4 & 2 centers are sporadically being posted. I barely get 5-10 of them at any given time. The only good thing is with the .05 jobs they get paid immediately, like within 15 minutes. I also just tried a new requester: Vishwanath Kumar who pays quickly so you might want to try those HITS if you like doing receipts.