I did one HIT just now to be on the safeside because I couldn't understand his or her or their requirement on the facility/faculty names.
How do you enter the working hours? just copy paste the entire thing or type in seperatey for each day?
I believe it says you can copy and paste. But they approved all mine also. Only thing is, I got locked out after like a hundred?
I did 20 hits and they were all approved, so I decided to request the qualification. I was granted the qualification with a value of 70 and now I am unable to do any of the hits - even the ones that don't require the qualification. I also don't fully understand the requirements for the facility/faculty names field.
If he gave you 70 for the qual, he effectively locked you out - that qual (the only one you can request) must be 85 to work on that batch.
I had a qualification of 90, and did a ton of them, every one of them got approved, then mid-hit my qual dropped to 70.
Sounds like a more humane way to fence people out than blocking them, IMO. The requester gets to turn you away. You get paid for what you did but can’t do any more work. Or would you prefer a mass rejection or a hard block? You could always contact the requester if you want to specifically know why he set you to a 70.
I did about 17 HITs that don't require qual. Then, like the others said, they locked me out by providing a 70. I didn't request the qual for the other batch. They simply gave it to me. At this stage I wasn't able to do either batches. But to my luck, after 10 min, the qual score was increased to 95 and I did about 50 altogether. But not gonna do any more. I have tons of doubts to be cleared before I continue. It seems like the requester cannot be contacted on weekends. In the HIT, it's written they can only be contacted at M-F 9am to 4 pm EST. So I've to wait till Monday to contact the req.
When I did MedCrowd on a previous batch of theirs (dentists), this part happened to me, too. Seems like they always have an unrestricted set and a restricted set. Back then, I actually only did the ones from the qual HITs (that is what I have come to believe those are, in the set that are not locked up to start) to see what the other batch was like. After I got the qual (it just showed up after I had done several), I hopped in to the other batch. I was curious: since those don't pay more, now that I'm qualified, is it more desirable work somehow? In fact, no. I found that the newly open batch had more difficult searches, like it wasn't as quick to find the office for the practitioner and there was more to think about. When I tried to go back to the first batch, I got a message that I could no longer do those. To me, it was obvious that they were trying to cherry pick the good workers and put them to work on the harder cases, for the same pay. Meanwhile, I think a qual should mean you get some advantage, not get dumped on. So I quit their stuff after that and haven't looked back.
Hello Everyone, It was brought to my attention by a worker that this community was here and wished to engage in dialogue. We are here if you have any questions. Glad to be here, ~ Mark L.
Just to give some small background. We have been doing this since about september and are rather new to the process. We appreciate any feedback you have to give and apologize for any bad experiences you may have had so far due to our inexperience or technicaly issues we have faced thus far. ~ Mark L.
Hi, welcome to the forum. We have been emailing. You told me to tell you if the HIT's didn't come back up.
Yes this is absolutely correct. We always post 2 batches: 1 that is a qualifer (~100+)and 1 that is the main batch (~500+). I am sad to say that we cannot guarantee consistency in the ease or difficulty of the task. The reason is due to many things, but mostly due to site design with regards to the most recent batch. This is what makes them harder. I apologize for this, however, part of the reason we are asking you to do it is because we are not confident in the information we have for these facility locations. It is not to cherry pick. Lastly, we have been having issues with the qualifier to properly qualify people which has forced me to look into everything manually and to start passing out the qualifications. I am still responding to emails. I hope this provides some clarification, ~ Mark L.
Thank you for telling me. We are not planning to put hits up until mid next week as I take worker feedback to improve the last HIT we sent out. ~ Mark L.
We have tried to set our system up to automatically calculate a score and assign a qualification to expedite the process. As many of you can tell, we have only been partially successful with it and we are working to remedy the situation. ~ Mark L.