Michelle Greene -- Guess What???

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Playa_hamm420, Jul 4, 2012.

  1. Guess what object is hidden behind gray box??

    These hits are EASY .. but kinda slow.. You gotta Click click click click click ...... Damnit what the hells behind that fracking box already?! 10 clicks later Fug it i give up NEXT button!

    There stupid boring thoughtless mind numbing penny hits .. Get uhm while there slow! lol

    SLOW but easy boring but they do pay!!! * I even fucked up the 1st three hits by just entering a comment and not clicking anything * and still got paid..

    There just GOD AWFULL BORING!!!!!!!! But.. If theres nothing else to do or you dont wanna write porn tittles all day long while people around you think yer some kinda sick pervert.. then hit these penny suckers up for a boost to the ratings :D

    98% and 1000+ are the only requirements..
  2. Lana

    Lana User

    I did one of her HITs and found it a little bit too much work for $0.01 ... and I did about four of those NetMSi $0.12 HITs but found out that I really don't have a flair for writing tantalizing titles to the same actions over and over, :p ...it's a wonder I've got one kiddo and one on the way with how amazingly hard it was for me to even type in a simple descriptive word! Ha!

    Anyhow, my Michelle Greene hit was done late, late last night (earlier this morning?) and it's still pending. C'mon, penny hit! Approve!
  3. All mine were done around dinner time and approved maybe an hour later :D

    but yeah alot of clicking for a penny agree.. nothing else to do tho and it adds up after an hour lol

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