hello, i'm new to the forum and basically new to turking in general. i'm a severely underemployed freelancer with virtually no opportunities where i live as it's a really small town, i haven't even been able to get a regular retail or food service job even though i've been searching and applying for months, so finding out about turk has been a godsend. i'm almost finished with my 8th day, getting excited about having access to my monies soon, and i had a few questions. obviously i want to maximize the amount i can earn and i definitely haven't been putting as much time in as i can, but i am happy having earned $135 in 8 days of doing this somewhat casually, though i guess time will tell how many of those pending hits end up approved. how many hours a day do people who are really committed to making money through turk usually put in? i want to start approaching it as if it were a job, probably by splitting up the 8 hour work day into 2 separate 4 hour components. is this too much? not enough? also, i've mainly been doing surveys for 25 cents or more and calling it quits when i run out of ones that i'm eligible for. i only have one rejected hit, for what was apparently an invalid code, so my approval rating is 99.4% are there any good batch hits for users with slightly under 300 submitted/approved hits? anyway, my stats are below, nothing impressive compared with a lot of what i've seen posted here and on reddit, but i feel like i'm off to a decent start, especially since my expenses are pretty low. thanks for your input!!
i'm having issues posting images, what am i doing wrong? anyway, the image is here: http://imgur.com/odMKy
For images, you need the url, and the url needs to end in picture.jpg or picture.png or something similar. It needs to have the file extension and name. You are putting out pretty nice numbers for only 8 days. $15-20 daily?? It can only go up!