Paul Pullen qualification?

Discussion in 'General' started by nospam33, Jan 29, 2009.

  1. nospam33

    nospam33 Member

    I tried to get the qualification to work on the re-writing of sentences and there was no test or anything and clicked on continue and it gave me the approval, but with a qualification rate of zero. He requires a qualification rate of 100, meaning you passed some test, I guess. But there was no test to take. So now I can't work on his HITs. :(

    Any recourse?
  2. dzdawg02

    dzdawg02 Member

    The same thing happened to me.

    I also took a qualifying test to see if you are smart enough to do the hits. It asked demographical information and your educational background. I have a Master's degree and I scored a 1. I'm not smart enough? WTH? I would like some recourse, too!
  3. mermaiden

    mermaiden New Member

    If you read the hit summary, you'll see that it says you need to contact him through that hit if you would like to do the hits.
  4. mischa

    mischa User

    where are the paul pullen hits? i hope he hasn't left mturk - perhaps he takes a hiatus from time to time? if you're reading this paul, post some hits please; we turkers appreciate your re-writes.
  5. mischa

    mischa User

    update- on the 'other' mturk forum there is a posting announcing mr. pullen and wife just had a baby/infant/bundle of joy/tax deduction, so that is the reason for his temporary 'hiatus'.

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