We are a non-profit research institute, and the results of this work will be helpful in allowing us to understand the ramifications of peoples actions on their online privacy. Our research is completely open, and anything that we learn will be available to the public. Anyways, we are currently having a hard time getting enough participation on our hits, and any advice on what could be done to make it more attractive would be appreciated. Of course participation would also be appreciated! Our hit is here: https://www.mturk.com/mturk/searchb...roups&searchWords=ICSI&minReward=0.00&x=0&y=0 Thank you!
I think you need to have a test for your qualification or cancel it and simply put directions of what it is you're looking for in workers, because as it is now doesn't exactly make sense. That might be why you are not getting as many as you were hoping for. A lot of the time, people search for HITs available to them so your HIT might not even show up
would love to try this and requested qualifications now if you grant them I can move the marker to seattle and see if that is right...LOL
Looks like I've also requested the qualification at some point. You may need to repost the HIT without the qualifications and then manually assign the qual to workers that do the HITs -- which, BTW, I would love to do
I've requested the qualification and would very much like to be able to preview your hit to see if I were capable of doing it.
Looks like a bunch of us have requested the qualifications you desire... Just waiting on you to go in and provide it... If you would like to do a small sampling to make sure it works and you are getting the work you desire - go ahead and let us know here in this thread about the HIT and the qualifications and we can give you a sample of the high work quality you can get. You can always PM me or any other senior member (just means we've been posting a bit) and we can brainstorm on the best way to present your HITs and what qualifications you should set up to make sure you get the right people performing them. Look forward to hearing from you! And thanks for coming to our forum!
Trying one now... Pretty intensive... Especially for $0.25 ***EDIT*** Holy SHIT! Batman... That was work! To be honest way too much work for $0.25... won't be doing more at this rate!
I agree way to much work for so little pay. I'm not even sure why I finished,... I guess to see if I could do it, it was a challenge! It ended up taking me about 40 minutes, I was distracted(tv) but I still think I did most of them fairly quick, I got stuck on the one with the people marching. Not even sure if I ended up figuring it out. I would not do more at that pay, maybe 1 for .25cents to .50cents? Seems like this HIT has been this pay/setup for awhile according to TO.
I did the first one, found the place, and then saw that there were 9 more and returned it. I would do each one for 10-20 cents.
I may be dense, but I took a look at one of them with a video of a bowling alley. It could be anywhere. How are we supposed to know which one? Its an inside scene and the only clue is a name which could be one of a dozen locales. If it were outside, I might be able to do this. Really lame waste of time.
I could find at least the town if not the exact address but it took real strong attention to each video and then research... Way too much for so little.
I got totally involved in it and did them all, the worst ones were the band playing outside and the line of people, both of those I could only narrow to a region of a city (SF and DC respectively). Once I got rolling, I totally forgot about the money and it was about the challenge...but that's just me all over. I wholeheartedly agree that compensation is in general too low. If it is a sort of paid audition, then great, else I doubt I will be doing any more unless it is to relieve boredom.