
Discussion in 'General' started by Karen S Levine-Dawicki, Nov 20, 2021.

  1. Karen S Levine-Dawicki

    Aug 29, 2021
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    I have asked this question over and over and can't seem to get an answer .....when I click on a HIT to Qualify,there is a bunch of things either checked off in green which means what? That I meet those criteria ,but not the ones NOT checked off?
    Then...what does the stuff mean like:General Qualification has been granted or CR Research Group #1 is not less than 100....or this...
    Exc: [332184-331595] has not been granted

    Inc: [19-331595] has been granted

    If I don't know what any of this means how can I ever qualify?
  2. Flora

    Flora Admin
    Staff Member

    Jul 16, 2012
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    The ones that are green and checked off means that you DO qualify for it. How? Most of the time we don't know. It could come from a previous HIT we've done, or answering those questions that you see on the bottom of the HIT page or by doing Amazon Mechanical Turk HITs to get requesters to qualify you for HITs.

    I do qualify for some of the CR Research Groups and I have no idea how I qualified for it. Just do as many HITs as you can do and it will open up some HITs.

    Sometimes there are hidden qualifications by unchecking your filter which is located on the top right 'I'm qualified to work on' when searching for HITs. Then sometimes there, it'll say " take a test " to qualify for a HIT in the same page where you see the green checks.

    Hope this helps.
  3. Karen S Levine-Dawicki

    Aug 29, 2021
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    Thanks,Flora...I will keep on keeping on!

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