Script for hits that are "Approved - Pending"

Discussion in 'Scripts' started by chaos, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. chaos

    chaos User

    Being able to view my pending earnings and today's earnings is great, but it would be nice if there was a script that would give me the total amount of my hits that have been approved and are just in the process of being paid.
  2. Zeta

    Zeta User

    I would really like to see someone make this.
  3. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    Is this still only a dream?
  4. Cowfin

    Cowfin Community Manager Staff Member

    I don't think it would be all too different from the other scripts out there. All it would take is someone contacting the poeple who coded the scripts that we use right now.

    On the other hand, I have practically no coding knowledge, so what do I know?
  5. Looks like I have already done something like this: MTurk Extended HIT Search. Search "Approved - Pending Payment" -HITs and leave that next input field empty. It lists all matching HITs and there is total amount at the bottom of rewards column.
  6. shyaamist

    shyaamist User

    Does this script need to be used with another one? I installed it, but can't seem to figure out how to use it.
  7. HappyFish

    HappyFish User

    It looks like it works on a specific page:

    On that page, it will pop up special search options.
  8. Yes, it's on statusdetail page (click for example 'today'-link on your dashboard) so that you can easily limit your searches to one specific day.

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