Traveling to a Terrific Tuesday 4/25/2017

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by sks, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. You drinking bro?
  2. Hi Flora

    my dad had chronic migraines

    here are some things he did

    -Cola / soda
    -Cold, cold, cold temperatures
    -Blanket over face
    -Eye mask
    -Pain killers
    -Very cold shower or very hot shower

    I've learned the temperature extremes really kill the headaches
  3. ackb4r

    ackb4r User

    Well, yeah.
  4. Nice

    I had a few shots earlier, no big deal

    I'm going to bed soon though

    see you @ 8 am tomorrow :cool:
  5. Ate too much mexican. Halp.

  6. ackb4r

    ackb4r User

    Sake and beer for me. I feel like having another but I have to wake up and do various adult things.
  7. I'm on a Pinterest roll, so naturally my account gets halted for 5 minutes due to an ocmp5 captcha clusterfuck fail.
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    How do they let you know? Rejection?
  9. ackb4r

    ackb4r User

    Nah, they block you when you load the hit. Very politely, too.

    Thanks for your interest in this assignment. Unfortunately you failed a certain number of test questions over the past few assignments, so you won't be able to work on any more tasks in this group of assignments. You're not blocked from doing future work for us, but please be more careful with your responses moving forward.
  10. ackb4r

    ackb4r User

    I bet I missed one of those ombre platinum hair bullshit pins. As a dude maybe I should just stay away from pinterest.
  11. I don't understand why the Pinterest HITs are so good. It was like 3 minutes for $0.20 because of how slow they load. Is it just the consistency?
  12. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    I'm not certain, but I think they lost me at vegan buffalo cauliflower pizza recipe.
  13. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

    I've never tried the .20 ones but the .60 ones I think are better with less pins in it. There are different ones out there.
  14. The 40 cent ones take me a minute or two so I like those. The others are hit and miss. The 2 dollar ones are awesome, but I can never catch them.
  15. I'm a girl who loves Pinterest and I still get kicked out half the time.

  16. I never quite got how to do those pinterest ones since ive never had an account on it.
  17. mboone73

    mboone73 User

    Title: WARNING: This HIT discusses adult content. Worker discretion is advised. Questions about Sex | PANDA
    Requester: Matt Mandell [A1IUXLTFDF97I3] (Contact)
    (TO): [Pay: 5.00] [Fair: 5.00] [Comm: 4.00] [Fast: 5.00]
    Description: We are on a mission to make sex better and safer. We are looking for answers to questions about the sex lives to help create content that will allow us to acc
    Time: 60 minutes
    HITs Available: 1
    Reward: $0.25
    Qualifications: Location is US; Adult Content Qualification is 1;
  18. ackb4r

    ackb4r User

    That makes me feel a little better. I always get booted no matter how careful I am.
  19. frood

    frood User

    I have the same experience so I've stopped paying attention to them.

    How the heck is everyone tonight?
  20. alk65

    alk65 User

    Pinterest is the new Crowdflower of gold questions. No matter which way you jump--it's wrong. And you don't even know which one is wrong. That way you can keep making the same mistake. It goes in a nice tidy loop, like a Dr Who episode....but without the Dr. to entertain you.
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