How this isn't up here I don't know. Given; they will probably, depending on your demographic, only have about 2-4 HIT's a month for you, but at $10 a HIT, it's one of the best requesters out there. I failed my first qualification test, but I aced my second one after reviewing their feedback. Since then, I have tried hard on each HIT and received 4-5 stars every time. A HUGE misconception I had with these HIT's when I started is that I thought you had to be "right". There is no "right". You just have to navigate through the steps and narrate your thoughts, with the goal of providing feedback, critical feedback, for the site. When I see a HIT available(they notify you by email), I can usually knock out the whole thing in 15-20 minutes, 10-15 of that spent talking into my microphone.
Not with that for US. It is the matter to pass the qualification test.
No need of link. I know how to check....... You pass that qualification. Then you will come to know it is for US or not.... It is only for US.. They didn't set the qualification. But it is clearly written in the HIT instructions.
I can't view the qualification test due to the fact that I've already passed it. What exactly does it say? Because I can directly tell you I have not been able to complete some HIT's for TryMyUI due to the fact that I am in the US, they wanted users from Great Britain and even some saying simply "not in US". So what your saying, I believe, is untrue, unless of course I'm missing something. Not only that, but most HIT's don't even have location requirements, just age, income, and computer literacy requirements. I'm telling you, it's definitely worth it. It's always a good day when I get an email from TryMyUI telling me that there's a test fitting my demographic. Ca-ching! $$
It's good to hear they are legit. I failed my test and debated taking it again, I read elsewhere that HITs that ask you to test websites are scams.