Where did SpeechInk go?

Discussion in 'General' started by clogan98, Nov 12, 2012.

  1. clogan98

    clogan98 User

    Where did all the speechink HIT's go? There are only a few and it's just for one ID, 32500. Any idea what is going on with them?
  2. clogan98

    clogan98 User

    Nevermind, I emailed them and asked if it was an error and now they are accessible. Must have been a mistake.
  3. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Well, actually, I'm glad you said something.

    I've been watching their HITs off and on since I saw your first post 20 minutes ago. You know what I see? I think there are a helluva lot more review jobs than usual, and, as you pointed out, not very many transcription jobs at all. Even now, there's only about 30. That's really very few for them.

    Also, their corporate Twitter account has been silent for a full month, which is interesting, considering they posted at least every few days before then.

    I am only speculating, but it looks to me from all this like the internal trouble they seem to have been having is continuing and not getting better. They still seem overwhelmed, and I will bet they are short on staff. I mean, really, 130 transcriptions that are waiting to be reviewed...no wonder they've been taking so long lately to grade anything.

    (Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. I'd love to know if this review backlog is actually normal for them, because I don't at all recall their having this many before.)
  4. clogan98

    clogan98 User

    I saw that too and I had never seen reviews to be done on here before. Yes I've noticed for some time that they seem to be waaay behind on reviewing and such (figures, I'm waiting for $60 from them) and they seem to be having issues with keeping up. Even trying to get a hold of Priscilla for the videos is becoming an issue.
  5. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    *shakes head* Hm. Yeah, that doesn't sound good.

    Good luck with getting your money soon. I've never ever heard of them not paying (eventually), but I continue to be worried that they seem to still be having so much trouble.
  6. clogan98

    clogan98 User

    I hope they recover. I depend on the work! Castingwords never has much I am qualified to accept and it only pays about .75 which isn't worth it when speechink sends me ones that pay upwards of $60. Ugh, not right before xmas!!
  7. naturegirl

    naturegirl User

    Yeah, that is rough timing. I will keep my fingers crossed for you!

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