Why do my requests for qualification never get past the 'pending' stage?

Discussion in 'General' started by kacki, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. kacki

    kacki Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    CAN ANYONE help me with this? I've requested many qualifications - some of them several times - but they all just sit in pending forever. They're never 'closed' qualifications, and none of the ones I've requested have required a test (though I think they should), and they always say they're going to the company for consideration. I'm just wondering if this is typical. Most of them are for writer-type qualifications. Thanks!
    #1 kacki, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014
  2. twirdman

    twirdman User

    Apr 21, 2014
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    It would depend on exactly what qualifications you are talking about. Some qualifications are closed and simply cannot be gotten right now. Than some qualifications like master are not closed but you cannot simply request them they are granted to you.
  3. kacki

    kacki Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    I see that some of them are closed, but those aren't the ones I've requested. They always have 'not qualified to work on this HIT' or something like that next to them. I click on 'Why' and it then gives me the opportunity to 'request' it. I click 'continue,' and it says my request has been sent to whatever company ... but nothing ever happens. Every single request I've ever made for a qualification just sits in 'pending qualifications' for what seems perpetuity! Does this happen often? I see that some of the qualifications only have a few people who've been approved, and others have a lot. I just don't understand. Is this sort of thing typical? Thanks!
  4. boardwalkumpire

    Sep 25, 2012
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    Requesting a qualification rarely does anything. Many of these ARE closed, even if it allows you to request it. Those requests just don't really go anywhere-I also have a requester account and people have told me they requested the qual but I have never seen any sort of notification or anything. Honestly I think it's stupid that Amazon makes it the default to allow people to request qualifications when most qualifications aren't autogranted. Some are- ProductRnR, for example, has autogranted qualifications when you request them. You'll see other batches or surveys sometimes with immediate granting of a qual, and often it will mention that in the description.

    Many that aren't closed are usually granted via qual hits that are posted periodically. The best way to catch qual hits for a specific requester is usually to set up your PM or C4C to the requester's page, but with the "for which you are qualified" box checked. Then you'll get an alert when they put up HITs that you qualify for, which are (usually) evaluated by the requester before granting quals. These aren't guaranteed to be HITs for further qualification, but they often are if the requester usually posts HITs that require a special qualification. You can also find a lot of qual hits posted in the Great Hits thread, or just through luckily stumbling into a qual batch.

    You can also always contact the requester directly to ask about their qualifications and if they'll be opening them up at any time soon. They don't always get back to you, but it never hurts to ask. To contact a requester you haven't worked for, use this link https://www.mturk.com/mturk/contact...terId=A*********&requesterName=Requester+Name but fill in a HIT ID where I put "HITIDGOES HERE" (this isn't really important but something has to go there), the requester's Mechanical Turk ID number instead of "A**********" and the name in place of "Requester+Name." (The forum shortened the link, but you can see the whole thing by copying and pasting) So if I wanted to contact Mainack Mondal, I would use a link that looks like this https://www.mturk.com/mturk/contact...Id=AU9HXYTGV7XZ2&requesterName=Mainack+Mondal
    #4 boardwalkumpire, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014
  5. kacki

    kacki Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    Thank you so much! I'll try that. I've requested what feels like countless writer qualifications, but nothing ever happens. I'd really like to write some of those articles. I'm wondering who all is doing that. Maybe people who've been approved in the past?
  6. boardwalkumpire

    Sep 25, 2012
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    I don't do writing, so I'm really not sure! I would definitely monitor those specific requesters for HITs that don't require qualifications, and contact them! It never hurts, and you never know. I've gotten a few quals that way.
  7. kacki

    kacki Member

    Apr 5, 2014
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    Good advice. Thank you so much!

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