Can't Find Delicious Hits? 6/16 Twirly Tuesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Jun 16, 2015.

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  1. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    I had one laying peacefully (and she is NEVER peaceful) on my leg until Mr. Attention Whore came over and climbed all over her and she left. It was cute and sweet. Now I don't have any kitties at all cause I finally booted the one in my face.
  2. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Presently, my German Shepherd has finished pestering me for the day, and is now laying beside me to gift me with noxious emissions for the rest of the night.
  3. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    My (white) German Shepherd has overthrown my bed, as she normally does about this time of night.
  4. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    never even knew these existed...
  5. quarterhorse

    quarterhorse Active Member

    I've been trying to get a German Shepherd for a long time but the adoption places keep turning me down because I don't have a fenced in yard. :(
  6. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    White shepherds are pretty rare, but they definitely exist. German Shepherds come in a LOT of colors, but you usually only see the black & tans.

    This is my girl. :)


    She's beautiful and she knows it. Which is frustrating because most people don't see her and think "German Shepherd", they think "pretty fluffy white dog," but she is not friendly with new people. When I had a black & tan, no one would come near her but she wouldn't hurt a fly. Heidi is the exact opposite - people want to run up and pet her and while she's never bitten a person, I'm always afraid there might be a first time so I have to warn them not to reach for her.
  7. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    Rescues are horribly demanding and intrusive. They seem more interested in NOT placing dogsthan placing dogs and saving the lives of more dogs.

    There's also the sable (pure black) Shepherds.
  8. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    I did not have a fenced in yard when I got her and I don't have one now. The rescue she came from also adopts to people in apartments. It's more about lifestyle than yard for them - they'd rather adopt to someone who is active and will take them for long walks than someone who is just going to throw them in the backyard and hope they wear themselves out.
  9. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    That's a rare rescue. There are /so/ many that don't operate like that, unfortunately.
  10. Now I'm kind of glad that I failed the quiz on that one.
  11. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    All black Shepherds are sable, but not all sable Shepherds are black. ;) Sable basically means grey, and can have many color variations, from lighter "steel" grey to pure black.

    Other color variations: red & tan, liver & tan, pure liver, bi-color/panda and golden. There's a ton of colors for Shepherds! I love these dogs. :)

    Anyone looking for a white Shepherd on the east coast, I'd be happy to send you to a *fantastic* rescue organization that is more concerned with placing dogs than intruding on your lives. They do adopt to apartment dwellers, people with no fences, people with children/cats/other dogs, etc.
  12. WCH

    WCH User

    I hate y'all for not acknowledging Tupac's birthday. I expect a Changes vocaroo from Calebro.
  13. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    Also, since we were talking about unique cats earlier...

    My cat Candy has a serious case of resting bitch face. She always looks pissed off, no matter how happy she is.

    (And yes, I have a German Shepherd necklace.)

  14. quarterhorse

    quarterhorse Active Member

    See that's the thing. I took my border collie for several walks a day before she died. I've applied to 4 rescues in Missouri and none of them accepted my application. And each time it was for not having a fenced in yard. So I think the rescue organization you adopted from is unique.
  15. quarterhorse

    quarterhorse Active Member

    I'm beginning to think that myself.
  16. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    Rescues really are their own worst enemy. I disagree with a lot of stuff that the rescue Heidi came from does and I would honestly never recommend someone try to adopt from them because the owner is sort of crazy. I cut all communication with her after the adoption was finalized. However, through that rescue I was introduced to Echo Dogs White German Shepherd Rescue, which is amazing. They are a 1 in a million rescue. They don't have a thousand hoops to jump through. They don't expect you to be perfect. They want their dogs placed in good homes ASAP. They do only adopt on the eastern half of the country (I'm pretty sure Missouri is one of their states) but they will transport any of their current foster dogs if approved.
  17. Sorry. It's in my contract.

  18. quarterhorse

    quarterhorse Active Member

    I wonder if they'd let someone adopt from Missouri? I'm kinda out of options here. I'd have to go through a breeder because the state has no more GSD rescues. I'm willing to travel.
  19. Tendrin

    Tendrin User

    IN my experience, though limited, sable is usually used to refer to the pure black variety, but you're probably right. :)
  20. violakat03

    violakat03 User

    That right there is why I hate rescues that make it impossible to adopt!! I almost did the same thing, actually. In my searching I ended up Facebook chatting with the owner of the rescue Heidi is from (I'm not naming them, mainly because they only adopt within a 2 hour radius, but also because the owner is crazy and they haven't placed a single dog in over 6 months) and we talked about all the reasons I wasn't adopting from a rescue. Making the personal connection made all the difference. I volunteered at 2 of their publicity/fundraising events and she saw how I was with the dogs and decided that I was the real deal. I had Heidi as a "foster" (though we knew we were adopting her almost immediately) for 6 months before she was able to come out and do a home visit, and then it was basically "ok, I can say I saw your house. Sign here."
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