11/12/13 oh look the numbers are sequential!!! Hits thing

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by turklyfe, Nov 12, 2013.

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  1. D-Stacks

    D-Stacks User

    All power to you. I looked at the batch tired doing one and said meh, kinda jealous now.
  2. $170.01 Not my best day this year but think it's my second best, a close second.

    lplay, special close world vison editing qual, and some masters batches. And I knind of wasted the first half of the day but was researching medical stuff for my pet so not really but the first half the day made me no money.

    My brain is mush now.

    Edit: round it up to 170.51 I still have some I accepted but haven't done
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2013
  3. gitsjunkie

    gitsjunkie User

    So turklyfe. What is the next step up from gumpdom? So that way I will eventually prove my worthiness to this merry bunch of turkers? Or a small amount of possible respect. Let me guess Dangerfield status?
  4. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

  5. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Yeah I was kind of figuring I'd get a bunch of rejects since the instructions were sort of vague but everything came through. I was willing to risk the rejections though.
  6. jrknoch

    jrknoch User

    Aw, you're fine, buddy. Pick whatever avatar you want.
  7. Yeah pick an avatar. Be anything. be a dumb bear even!
  8. soychicken

    soychicken User

  9. turklyfe

    turklyfe User

  10. gitsjunkie

    gitsjunkie User

    it will take a short time. i will pick a fitting avatar. I do like the humor of this forum.
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