I am getting this error when the size of text is huge. I am using the command line version. In the file_name.input file, I have a column whose length is very large. I am guessing that is the reason causing this error. But, I don't have a fix. Is there a way to set the length some where??
Sorry, I don't understand your question. Are you a requester .... and is this problem related to setting up a Hit? Edit: I was about to suggest you check at http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/forum.jspa?forumID=11 but I saw your post there. I think someone from that forum might be able to help you.
Yes, I am a requester and the problem is related to setting up a Hit. When using command line to set up a hit, we use file_name.input to have the set of inputs in tab seperated format. For eg., If you are asking to rank the URL, you will have a set of URLs in the input line. I am having a sentence for which I need to get sentiment on. My input file will contain one sentence per line, each of which is a HIT. The length of the sentence I have are large and hence the error, I guess. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks.