Can't Find Aw3some HITs??1?? 2/22 Most Massive Monday!!!!!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Solaire of Astora, Feb 21, 2016.


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  1. Yeah well no one wanted to play Brave Frontier with me either

    mturk forum is just one large series of disappointments
  2. Lucas

    Lucas User

    Does it say you cannot? Even so, is a rejection worth that high dollar to you? My answer is a definite yes, but maybe you have a different mindset.
  3. Spear

    Spear User

    OR requestors who scatter the shit out?
  4. Typically people say can't instead of cannot in this situation
  5. Must have missed them, again?
  6. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    I could get down to some of this.
  7. pennywise

    pennywise User

    which ones? linkedin is free and there's no law against having fake info on it.
  8. *ahem*

    Just wanted to know what side quests people have done, because I think I've done almost all of them and I'm hoping I missed a few so I can get some more hours in.
  9. RoastTurk

    RoastTurk User

    These hits aren't THAT good. They still take a decent amount of time, just less than what's stated. I did a Super Bowl one at the beginning of the month and I would have been pissed if it got rejected.
  10. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    You'd work for 4 hours for free?
  11. RoastTurk

    RoastTurk User

    Probably some of that Sun Ra sorcery.
  12. WCH

    WCH User

    That really would kind of fuck the whole game up.
  13. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

  14. Most of them except the silver shroud set, which keeps fucking bugging out on the second part soemthing HARD. have you done the "lasy Voyage of the USS constitution?"
  15. [​IMG]
  16. Jeez there are so many delicious surveys up tonight! I haven't worked this time of the evening in months. I just may have to start again.
  17. PhilGil

    PhilGil User

    They don't IP block? I got a bit worried after they blocked my last fake account. One of these days I may want to have a real, grown up account for a big boy job.

    In my next fake profile I'm going to be a billionaire presidential candidate with a bad comb over.
  18. alk65

    alk65 User

    Thanks Lucas. I haven't caught one tonight to check the wording. But they'll be bobbing up like bones in a bog the next couple days. I'm curious if its worth the PANDAing.
  19. Yeah, those are easily my 2 favorite quests in the game that I've found.
  20. [​IMG]
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