Originally Posted by tehrealkitten Honestly I've noticed a lot have made changes to their auto approval times in the past couple days. I fear it has to do with that huge amazon payment issue that happened the other day. A lot of requesters couldn't approve/pay when they typically would and workers were getting upset due to auto-approval times and what not. Probably figured they would change the time frame to give them a buffer in case there is a technical issue in the future. That way they aren't liable for something they've stated in their hit contract. ********Could this be why I have Approved Pending hits sitting from 2 days ago? They have been like that for 2 days???????
Okay, I have been a Turker for almost 3 years and I have no clue how to tell auto-approval times. Is there some secret to this?
It quite possibly would. I can't imagine that they resolved all their tech issues within 48 hours with the huge span of their servers. I'm sure a lot of requesters were out of town/busy etc with it being the holidays and haven't been on their accounts to re-update them after the issues occurred. I would give it til Tuesday... and if its still not resolved... send the specific requesters a message asking if there's any problem.
Crowdsource has 8 hits... for... Research: Product Question (US) They are generally pretty quick & easy at 10 cents a pop.
Repost Help bug test a Firefox browser extension on different websites George Ruan 1.00 https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=2YEAJIA0RYNJ2JHH5QR5JMJXVP561Z
Complete a 3-4 minute consumer survey Steve Nowlis .30 https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=2HGWQIHPCGJ2QIX1DYWXM0KVXUL17L edit: nvm
damn.. guess i should go to bed edit: yea i missed that lol!! ah well i'll email them.. hope that wasnt an AC
Is there some kind of script I could or should be using to check whether or no I've taken one of these surveys lately? Usually I just ignore it when a requester adds a note like this, but recently I've become more paranoid about rejections and wasted time.
There's this one, http://userscripts.org/scripts/show/149548 I haven't been able to figure it out though. I just use notepad and CTRL+F everything.