I just finished one and its running much better. They had me clear cookies, you can just do your taggered cookies or clear them all if you don't mind that. Here's how to single delete: Chrome http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/3016/google_chrome_how_to_delete_individual_cookies/ Firefox http://www.guidingtech.com/6953/clear-cache-delete-individual-site-cookies-firefox/
lol It's just to early to do these tedious things! I may have to tackle them once I get home from dropping my daughter at school. I only accepted 5 of them. I am starting small today. I did 10 last time they were up and was almost comatose. Is everyone still making the put more questions on a page suggestion?
good, now they just have to fix the other 75% of the survey i'm doing cf 'is this business listed', i think i can go at superspeed with a link-hover page preview plugin having a big monitor would really help though, i think a good 10% of my turking time is scrolling
About to jump on them. I'm up to 8.00 so far. Been up since 2:45 AM ON THIS COFFEE AND I"M FEELING !!!!!! lol
since the 'new' day i've made $8.80 but it's time for me to take a nap, i really have to fix this sleep schedule, nights and very early mornings seem really dead, HIT-wise
Good morning everyone! I'm stocked up on Taggered's and have a feeling it is going to be a very long day! Hope we all make good money today!!!
-yawwwns- Ah my good friend Taggered. I'm not even awake yet so I may as well grab a few of his for later because there's no way I can do them right now LOL This may be late but I'm catching up.. is there a reason we've again started the daily thread at 3am?
https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=2QPDNVP3TVOKCEOJU2P7YEO1M4V03H A 20-min Survey on Consumer Attitudes Requester: Consumer Research Reward: $1.00 per HIT
Well I thought I was going to be slick and accept open 7 more Taggered HITs at the same time so I could accept them all and make an even 20.... hello worker account halted for 5 minutes. -snorts- Lame.