I've got 373 HITs pending, if they all approve I'll be up to 98.2% approved overall, then I'll be able to get those always elusive HITs that require Above 98% approved to do.
https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=25M5K4F0OHOVYSN345F2T92JLL012V Social media research Requester: Matthew Taylor Reward: $1.65 per HIT Please respond to research survey for social media users. To qualify, Your current location must be USA, You must be a native English speaker, You must be a frequent Facebook user (AT LEAST 10 POSTS PER WEEK), and Workers who participated our research previously are not allowed. I don't use Facebook, so I cannot do it...but some of you guys might be able to!
You must be a frequent Facebook user (AT LEAST 10 POSTS PER WEEK) this kills it for me and this was posted last week for $2.50, you have to install an app I believe.
https://www.mturk.com/mturk/searchbar?selectedSearchType=hitgroups&requesterId=A35JVLXA0ZMND .20 2 minute timer, be quick. write 3 searches you'd do in the search engine i believe are vacation related no TO
What the hell did I just do? I'm so confused. Somehow I got 22 cents for doing whatever it is I did to earn it...
I keep getting this error: There are no HITs available for you at this time. Please try again tomorrow. Did I do something bad?
Hey there, Hi there, Ho there everyone. I've been working for a while, but just now getting over here to say Hey though. Have a great day Turking. (Is that Turky day?)
https://www.mturk.com/mturk/preview?groupId=21WH0OHOVR14CJRE6S02LEC3A7245C 15 min survey on social interactions 50 cents EDIT - asked for a self generated ID, i don't think you were asked to make one, i noted this in the comments, did anyone else find this? also it's about sexual assault, at least part of it, so if you're sensitive to that topic you may want to skip this one