Can't Find Great Hits? 4/24 Fa-reals Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by foxworthy, Apr 24, 2015.

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  1. Turkinhard

    Turkinhard User

    No and it's pretty upsetting. It's what's stopping me from having a very good turking day :(
  2. Krypto

    Krypto User

    Das how I feel when I have to go to surveys
  3. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

    Project earnings for today: $30.30

    Guess it's time to pop in some Deltron
  4. Krypto

    Krypto User

    What kind of work have you been doing?
  5. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

    Surveys and all of the audiokite. There were like 10 of em.
  6. Krypto

    Krypto User

    Cool, I tried audiokite but I don't think I qualified for it.
    I've been mainly doing surveys also.
  7. Audiokite has been posting quite a bit lately.
  8. This is probably a really good rule of thumb, although occasionally I've found that when something says "quick" or "easy" it is quick/easy.

    More often than not, though, it ends up having a writing task, so I might just start assuming the worst, like you, and skipping them altogether.
  9. All you have to do is request the qual for the genres you want. There is nothing else to stop you. No numbers requirement besides a 95% approval rating.
  10. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

  11. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

    I always do the optional part on the audiokite, too, and often get a $.10 bonus for em. They're nice because you get 1hr and can listen to the song while doing another HIT.
  12. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

  13. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

    The TO looks good to me.

    edit: Ah, ya mean the experiment. It gives feedback and I got 1 bonus so I'll still do them until it bites me in the ass, I guess.
  14. I'm a little confused by this CrowdSource HIT I just did. How can you ever find the "last word" on a Facebook page, or the "second to last word" on a Twitter page, because you can just keep scrolling forever, basically?
  15. Title: Find the Physical Address, Website URL for University
    Requester: Nakul Goyal [A3DDXR7HAZUZW9] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    2.80 Communicativity
    4.17 Generosity
    3.29 Fairness
    3.00 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 7
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Given the university name, find the address, website and other information for their official website
    Time: 60 minutes
    Hits Available: 1072
    Reward: $0.25
    Qualifications: Total approved HITs is not less than 5000, HIT approval rate (%) is greater than 98

    Do you guys script these?
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2015
  16. aatonturk

    aatonturk User


    Waiting and waiting this late Friday night certainly paid off!
  17. j-Lev9109

    j-Lev9109 User

    Can anyone explain how you would script them? I have tamper monkey and run some scripts but really don't know much about it.
  18. DaNipper

    DaNipper User

    Some people automate things using Auto Hotkey
  19. j-Lev9109

    j-Lev9109 User

    Yeah I decided to google it and found it right after I asked. I don't meet the quals yet. 2000 more to go, seems like it takes forever.
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