Can't Find Great HITs? 5/27 Return of Bear v. Dolphin Tuesdays!!!!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by freedolphin, May 26, 2014.

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  1. No.
  2. Amazon claims they don't. But hell someone who works for Amazon posted on Reddit that hard blocks don't even count towards suspension.
  3. fa0s

    fa0s User

    Today's Projected Earnings $53.24

    Not bad considering I had a super late start, clocking out. Good luck night crew!
  4. TillyWink

    TillyWink User

    ..nope. lol
  5. arckt2

    arckt2 User

    ...I don't. What does any of that bastardization of a great Schulz work of art mean? Charles Schulz is rolling in his grave.
  6. Over two days I did approximately 160ish -- just under $100
  7. zomgturtles

    zomgturtles Mod Squad

    I know you asked him but I'm going to answer ANYWAY! I did 634 last batch. I seemed like one of the only brave souls that went for it.
  8. woah i missed this.....did the amazon guy say anything about how to get masters?
  9. I just clicked the first Charlie Brown result for futility in image search, heh. Only part I cared about was the football kicking thing from classics.
  10. arckt2

    arckt2 User

    I kid. In some far away place that cartoon made a lot of sense to a lot of people.
  11. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    You must evolve into a killer whale, and then, just then, you shall receive masters.
  12. He gave me super sekrit info on what rituals to do to summon up a demon to ask for it, but I lost the info.
  13. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    nothing counts toward suspension other than complaints to Mturk

    - 14 hard blocks, 20+ soft blocks, 666+ rejections
  14. jTurker

    jTurker User

    The thing is that according to Amazon there is no such thing as hard or soft blocks. They say this because depending on the circumstances they want to be able to block you if they feel like you should be blocked. Most of the "supposed" Hard blocks that people complain about are really just requesters trying to "soft block" people and for what ever reason or another you get sent an email. People just need to do great work and they wont have to worry about getting suspended.
  15. Weezy

    Weezy Banned

    refer to the GOAT's post, mine.
  16. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    Really don't feel like goin' HAM on those Sergeys tonight; do his batches typically last 24+hrs?
  17. He's already a killer dolphin.

    Speaking of which dolphin, do you feel guilty about Ukraine at all? Would they be having so many problems if you hadn't escaped?
  18. Monica

    Monica User

    Idk why I thanked this, plz ignore. I don't thank this.
  19. monamoore

    monamoore User

    I hate Jonathan... after the apology email was sent for mass rejections, none of my 25 rejections have been reversed. I keep emailing and asking nicely but I never hear anything back. I know some people said theirs were reversed. idk bbz.
  20. Ryberg

    Ryberg User

    You cannot un-thank me!
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