Can't Find Great HITs? 9/28 Mesmerizing Hits Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 27, 2015.

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  1. By the way, how would I shoot Sergey a message without referencing a specific HIT?
  2. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    You guys, if you don't touch those sergeys and let them sit there a few days, he will reupload them for better pay. He's done it the last 3 times we let his batches sit there. No one should even think about touching a .10 sergey. We should keep him wrapped around our finger, not the other way around. I just don't want to see all of us get screwed because a few people will accept crappy pay.
  3. JShug107

    JShug107 User

    You can message Sergey all you want, he's notorious for not responding to messages, lol
  4. sebonmtf

    sebonmtf Member

    Some of us non-masters probably have better stats than some masters. Mturk is kind of retarded when it comes to hanging out the qual.
  5. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    4 pages already? I had to make sure I didn't oversleep
  6. The peeps at the other place (the one that sounds like an abrasive) are going full ham on them even broken so that's not gonna work.
  7. Wouldn't really expect an answer, just wanted to thank him for posting a non-masters.
  8. JShug107

    JShug107 User

  9. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    No doubt. JAWN has over 300 rejections on his account. Completely ridiculous to have that many rejections and hold Masters. Twirdman has 400K complete and hardly no rejections. It kind of sucks that having masters doesn't mean anything anymore. I like to think back when I got it, it was when they still had standards LOL
  10. Pucca

    Pucca User

    When I reach Elite Sensei Cloud status I'm gonna talk down so bad on all you meager master.
  11. naut

    naut User

    Why would they do that? So stupid.
  12. I've gone through a few hundred and nothing's coming up so I don't know how some people are getting topics.

    (that said, doing anything I come across that's legitimately 'broken' removed/copyright-booted in the meanwhile)
  13. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    They can be idiots all they want. They deserve crap pay since their rejection rates show they do crappy work.
  14. naut

    naut User

    What range is a crappy rejection rate for more experienced people like yourselves?
  15. db42

    db42 User

  16. PresJor

    PresJor User

    I got masters with 250K and 32 rejections.

    I'm sitting at 350K now with still 32 rejections.
  17. naisybee

    naisybee - Don't Blink -

    I have 29 rejections for 20k hits. And all 29 of them came from a new requester who posted a batch that I did 29 before they ran out. He mass rejected everyone. TO wasn't as popular as it is now. No scripts for anything either. Don't ask me who it was, it was years ago. But those are the only rejections I've ever had.
  18. Lori1985

    Lori1985 User

    IMO anything 98 or below. Or if you get rejections weekly from different requesters. The dashboard should be green and pretty. Not look like Christmas. :D
  19. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User


    Yep they are :rolleyes:
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