Castingwords Transcribers - Questions and Answers

Discussion in 'CastingWords' started by nobody, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I wish you guys did Improve a Transcript =/ I'm getting really frustrated and I know I should just chill. Of about 60 jobs, I have received bonuses for about 13 of them. Those bonuses have been manually inserted. Apparently they're still working on the code, something is wrong/off/bad. The manual bonuses just started coming in today. Some of those jobs are from the first week of July.

    Yes, we're only talking (.02 to .68) x (1 to 3) a pop but *stomping feet and lil temper tantrum* It's frustrating. I hate writing to cs about it, I hate feeling like a nag. I understand they have a month to pay - but this is bonus pay and cw is so good about paying up (even if we do get 8s instead of 9s). Base pay and bonus pay.

    'Cept for Improve a Transcript. I just had to have a hissy fit because my boyfriend doesn't understand my frustration. He just understands I'm frustrated and...bah. Anyways. Here's to hoping they get their code worked out and I don't have to feel like a nag.
  2. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Oh and last night I think I came across someone using speech to text software to try and do transcriptions. It did not go well. Jo ding goulashes Instead Of Zoning for humans. lol
  3. Chytay

    Chytay User

    Jul 7, 2012
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    Speech to text is an automatic 1 for me. I'm not going to spend my time re-transcribing because they're too lazy.
  4. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Today I came across a transcription only half-way done. I wrote to CS asking what to do - it's an Improve HIT, not grading. They just said to return the HIT and give them any identifying numbers so they could reject it.

    I understand wanting to turn in what you've done to a certain point, but newbies don't seem to realize they can ask for extensions. Shoot, I've worked on something for a long time just to get fed up and return it.

    On another note - I'm new to CW so it's odd for me - there are TONS of HITs up right now. I'm used to qualifying for 30-80 HITs at a time. "HITs containing 'cw' for which you are qualified
    1-10 of 224 Results"

    Looks like I will be keeping myself busy tonight, and hopefully this runs into the weekend :D
  5. hapless

    hapless Guest

    In rare cases, this can possibly happen due to unintended human error.

    In the audio software that I use, it is possible to mistakenly set the playback 'window' to include only part of the file. It's a dumb mistake, to be sure, but it can happen.

    My personal transcription 'checklist' includes a note warning me to avoid this mistake (among many other dumb mistakes that I can and do make from time to time). :rolleyes:
  6. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    With that one, there was a note from the transcriber stating they knew it wasn't finished but they hoped that what they'd done already could be used by someone. They were brand-spanking new.
  7. nobody

    nobody User

    May 23, 2012
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    I just dealt with this on an edit. Thank goodness I remembered your post. I looked it up, and it isn't a CW rule. It's a rule for AE. I had no clue. :/

    The rule applies for book titles, technical terms, foreign words, etc., although most people use italics instead of quotation marks. I had an edit where certain terms specific to that industry were quoted throughout the transcript, and it looked horrific. I searched, and found lots of grammar sites that mentioned this apparently common rule.
  8. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Hahaha =/ yup, what I was afraid of.

    Thanks =)

    ...I will continue to put quotes around the first instance I come across, not knowing the full audio. Better safe than sorry, I suppose. Hopefully. Especially since I'm doomed to 8s and don't have too much to lose =)
  9. nobody

    nobody User

    May 23, 2012
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    Oh, definitely do use the quotes. I was just remarking that from an editing standpoint, I didn't know that. I'm learning a lot that will help me with my writing. That's why I wanted to edit. I'm writing some stuff on my own, and self editing is difficult. Learning this kind of stuff helps me because I guess I didn't learn it in school!

    My editing score has moved up again, so I think I will finally start that thread on editing. I have NEVER lowered anyone's grade, but I have upped a few in cases where I could easily justify it if CW asked me about it. I can't speak for the experienced editors, but I will share some things I've seen.
  10. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    Ok this is off topic, I'm sorry.

    I've had some of the same experiences with my own writing. I've even read some self-published (no editors) books through Amazon's Kindle and B&N's Nook. Self-editing isn't for everyone. I read three books from Karice (I think) Bolton. Appetite was wet (supposed to be whet), interest was peaked (piqued), commas were randomly placed, a supporting character's name (Arie) was used instead of the main character (Ana) one time. A place (that I'm unfamiliar with) was sometimes capitalized and sometimes not.

    If you do start an editing thread - and it if you ever want a second opinion on anything, I'll check it out.
  11. nobody

    nobody User

    May 23, 2012
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    That's exactly what I want to avoid. I don't want to make common mistakes. As a new writer, my only shot is to at least have the basics down. For example, I was going to put the hyphen in self-editing, but was too lazy to look it up to be sure. I KNEW it had one, lol. That's what editing has helped me with. melissa71642 was right about it being time consuming. I often make about $3/hr doing it when I can make $6 hour transcribing. However, it's worth it to me.

    I'll definitely start that editing thread. My PPT also moved above 90 recently (cue Hallelujah), so I think I'll try some Improve HITs this weekend. Then (comma or no comma - hmm) we can commiserate. :)

    ETA: What kind of stuff do you write? I'm mostly working on pop culture stuff and a bit of fiction.
  12. hapless

    hapless Guest

    My search skills are lacking today. Do such grammar guides say the 'first time only' rule likewise applies for italicization of publication titles?

    According to such a rule, if I were to italicize a title such as War and Peace, and later mention the same title again, then I should not italicize it the second time?
  13. hapless

    hapless Guest

    For CW?

    You're fast.

    I'm slow. -_-
  14. hapless

    hapless Guest

    Apparently one of my tiny little transcripts (extremely short and easy) got an 8 because I included a hyphen in "a nicer-looking [something]."

    I was merely trying to follow the hyphenation guidelines in the style guide, but the editing turker disagreed.

    (Oops, I also kept a "kind-of." I do that. I guess that too must've fated me to an 8.)

    No matter, I'm on auto-8's anyway, so I'll often get an 8 even if a worker (or two) gave me 9.
  15. hapless

    hapless Guest

    I've submitted a complaint.

    The same short transcript contains another hyphen in a similar construction. The final edit retains that hyphen. Why'd the editor remove one of those hyphens but keep the other?
  16. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I use Microsoft Works and when I've done an Improve on a particularly long transcript, I do a quick ctrl+f for "like" and "kind". Like and Kind Of are something I now see sooooo often I start to miss them. It's amazing how people use And, Because, But to string all their sentences together lol

    two 9s and more 8s on the work I did last night. And for the first time ever, I got an 8 on an Improve job. Was kinda bummed. No feedback to let me know where I screwed up.
  17. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I hope you get a reply. The fact so much is subjective (apparently), it's really confusing. What's the sense in trying to learn what the editors like if they're not even consistent?
  18. hapless

    hapless Guest

    "And" replaces
    "Furthermore" / "Moreover" / "Besides".

    "But" replaces
    "However" / "Nevertheless" / "Nonetheless" / "Still" / "On the other hand".

    (I wonder if there was a time long-ago when those sentence-openers were frowned-upon?)

    "And" and "But" are so short and easy to use, a temptation to excessive indulgence naturally follows.

    Maybe you didn't. :)
    #38 hapless, Jul 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 21, 2012
  19. hapless

    hapless Guest

    So here's 1 minute of audio from a sermon, in which the pastor repeats a phrase, and repeats it yet again for dramatic emphasis.

    I have no doubt that some editors would likely remove the repetitions, ruining the effect.

    I'm not even gonna bother with this.
  20. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Apr 22, 2012
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    I'm so confused. I think we did the same audio clip and made the same mistakes. Exact same mistakes. I was looking at the final edit for an 8.

    You transcribed the following Transcript Chunk(s) (TC): TCID 364875

    kind of complicating
    nicer-looking tables

    I got an 8 but the grade in the splice info is a 9.

    I messed up, I'm ok with the 8. I'm now forever going to be happy it isn't a 7. At least that's what I'm telling myself today.

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