Channel Intelligence: Store Location HITs

Discussion in 'General' started by Channel Intelligence, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. Channel Intelligence

    Feb 10, 2009
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    I am very sad to say that we received a very poor set of results today. Numerous people actually spammed us for pennies. Normally, we get very good results from this HIT Type.

    As a fellow Turker, I am grossly disappointed with the actions of these Turkers. Due to this, we have increased our security measures to protect the quality of our results. I am not sure that the mTurk forum community is the audience capable of such egregious behavior, but, still I need to share that we will increase the amount of rejections and blocking on this task as well as all of our other HIT types.

    Thank you.
  2. Shego

    Shego User

    Feb 4, 2009
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    I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it was new turkers who maybe haven't quite found their turk legs yet and didn't quite understand or something. I don;t think most of the people who belong to this forum would be so careless. I hope things look up for you :)
  3. ergo

    ergo User

    Jan 25, 2009
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    Sorry to hear about your disheartening experience today. I hope it will turn out to be a one-time aberration.

    By the way, I hope you don't mind a small suggestion about your Publix HITs. If the Publix site doesn't forbid deep linking, please consider having your template generate a better link to the store site, taking workers directly to the search results they need. Eg.,

    instead of just

    Going further, again only if the Publix site's terms don't forbid it, you could even embed the relevant search results page directly in the HIT via an IFRAME.
    #3 ergo, Feb 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2009
  4. Channel Intelligence

    Feb 10, 2009
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    Thanks, Ergo, for the suggestions. We appreciate that. I think both ideas are really helpful. Especially, building the direct URL. There are some store locators that will allow that and we will be looking to make this change where we can.

    We will keep thinking about the iframe. Our hesitation there is that it requires a separate page load of the store locator on each assignment. My co-worker raised a good point when he said as a Turker himself, he would rather just open the store locator in a separate window and tile his browser windows so he can see both at the same time. That way he can keep reusing the same store locator for every assignment. That isn't to say we are ruling that idea out, though.

    Thanks to all for allowing us a place to share this information and engage in positive and productive exchanges.
  5. ergo

    ergo User

    Jan 25, 2009
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    Sounds like your co-worker has a good system down. Why not have him complete all your HITs? :D I doubt your typical Turker has enough computer savvy to even realize they could open two windows side-by-side. I know people who have been using computers for years who still don't take advantage of multiple tabs in modern browsers.

    Anyway, thanks for being open to suggestions. Good luck on your next batch of HITs!
    #5 ergo, Feb 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2009

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