CrowdFlower strikes again

Discussion in 'General' started by CrankyOwl, Jan 21, 2013.

  1. CrankyOwl

    CrankyOwl User

    Sep 17, 2012
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    Halfway through a Crowdflower survey there are suddenly questions like if I'm proud to be Canadian, do I like other Canadians, etc. etc. WTH. There's no mention in the HIT description/title that it's a survey for Canadians, plus I filled out my demographic info at the start of the survey in which I said I live in the US. Sigh. :eek:
  2. justlookin

    justlookin User

    Jan 20, 2013
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    Hi all

    My first post. I was confused by a survey on my first HIT as well just now. Some video survey which had *no* video and asked questions that had spelling errors! lmao. There was a strange sentence about health and empty boxes which made no sense. This is a really weird way of making money! =)

    I'm looking forward to actually making this thing work- thankfully all of you have started this very cool forum!

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