
Discussion in 'Requesters' started by demo48, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. demo48

    demo48 Member

    HIT title : Find the lowest price for each product on Amazon.com

    Qualifications required : Total approved HITs is greater than 100 and HIT approval rate is greater than 95%

    Payment : $0.02/HIT

    Very good requester, TO is also very good , there were like 8k+ HITs available when i started doing them , they go very fast

    Took me 12 seconds/HIT
  2. demo48

    demo48 Member


    All HITS got approved today :)
  3. Grimtock

    Grimtock User

    well if you're getting it done in 12 seconds that is pretty fast. that averages to $6 an hour on Mturk which is ok. the plus side is these types of hits can really build up the overall approval rating for those with a bad rating.

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