email question

Discussion in 'General' started by akayerich, Feb 6, 2013.

  1. akayerich

    akayerich User

    I never get any emails from requesters via mTurk, and I'm not sure why. I get bonuses, but no email to tell me who gave it to me, which is really only annoying because I'm curious where the bonus came from sometimes. But I'm starting to wonder if I'm missing out on follow-up surveys, too. Is this maybe because of some setting on my account I'm missing? I already checked and rechecked to make sure mTurk has my correct email address, and I do get reply emails from requesters if I email them about something specifically.


    Thanks for any advice you can give me!
  2. siamesegun

    siamesegun Member

    I would double check your spam folder in your email. I have known some folks to wait and wait for even their AMT verification emails because it ended up there.

    If you delete/mark spam a lot of things that would be sales requests from Amazon or the like, you probably ended up with these emails in your spam box.
  3. akayerich

    akayerich User

    That's a good thought, thanks. But i checked, and there's nothing but actual spam in there.

    Thanks anyway!
  4. Sparrow

    Sparrow Member

    Do you get your weekly MTurk activity report, and withdraw succeeded emails?
    I usually get an email for bonuses from MTurk that say "you've received a bonus from_____", and there's a space for additional comments from the requester. Sometimes they leave a message, sometimes they don't.
    Until you get it figured out, if there’s bonuses from before you're curious about, you could try going to to your dashboard, on MTurk, and in the 2nd section, called "Your HIT status", clicking on individual days. When it opens the details for that day, there's a column at the end for any messages the requesters leave you- if they gave you a bonus right when they paid you, they might have left a comment about it. Or if you see a comment that compliments your work on the HIT, etc., you can at least surmise that the bonus may have come from there?
    I just tried looking on MTurk for you, i didn't see any box to check or anything for email updates, and i don't recall doing one when I joined. Who's your email client? Certain web based email hosts can be a little dicey about what and when they deliver stuff. If you don't have gmail, that's who I use, and I get everything right away. Maybe set up an email account with them for your MTurk account, and that way only their stuff comes through, and can't get lost in the crowd of other email?
  5. akayerich

    akayerich User

    Nope, I don't get those either. Not even once.

    I've looked through the Hit statuses for messages to figure out bonuses, and sometimes that does help, but my main concern is I may be missing out on follow-up surveys since I don't get the emails with the passwords.

    I have yahoo email. I do have a gmail that I never use, but maybe I'll switch my mTurk email to that and see what happens. I'm also thinking if I manually add mturk's email to my address book, that might make their emails come through.

    Can anyone tell me what email address mTurk's stuff comes from?

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