Finding Great HITs 6/28 Making Panda Latte Tuesday

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by Flora, Jun 28, 2016.


Which voting method would you prefer?

  1. FPTP

    16 vote(s)
  2. IRV

    7 vote(s)
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  1. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    LOL, I'm messing with ya. I know *that* feel way too well. I keep waking up at 7am like LOL NOPE. Re-open my eyes after 9 - much better.

    I haven't started work yet either. Got sidetracked marveling at how awesome Fiverr's set up is.
  2. B

    B User

    Being the smartest person here by a longshot I can answer that for you. It has to do with the British election and their parliament. I'm not surprised that most people here who are inherently morons couldn't figure that out. But then again, I'm me and you guys are just whatever you are.
  3. I googled them and then closed the tab before reading the definition.
  4. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    Anyone get a hold of the requester or should I return this junk hit?
  5. Is that sarcasm?
  6. Thanks for clearing that up, still have no idea what the poll is. But at least now I know I'm a moron.

  7. B

    B User

    The first step from climbing that intellectual ladder is admitting your problem. Most people here don't care or aren't cognizant enough to figure it out. Coming from a non-master I'm actually surprised. Most non-masters can't even spell much less explore the inner depths of their feelings.
  8. Flora

    Flora Admin Staff Member

  9. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    Grab the new Colton. He reposted a fixed one.
  11. Morrisa

    Morrisa User

    No it's not. Been looking to set up an printable design shop on Etsy, but they're *still* not very digital-friendly at all. Pain in the ass to handle customization, licensing, rush orders, etc.

    Decided to peek at Fiverr and damn - the no-frills price is $5, but you can add commercial licenses directly onto the order, charge extra for rush jobs, add-on additional products, etc. for whatever you want to charge. That is so much more efficient than having to build separate listings for everything.
  12. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    Can I use my same code lol?
  13. everbuddy

    everbuddy User

    Yup, same survey link, same code. It'll say you already did it if you click the link.
  14. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

    Sergey should bring back those .20 topic hits for masters.
  15. Jawn ya here?
  16. 88Keys

    88Keys User

    Sometimes I read these surveys by graduate students and I want to suggest to them that they take a basic English course before they graduate. That survey had some terribly worded questions.
  17. squirrel78

    squirrel78 User

    Ugh. Had to wake up at the crack of dawn to get some gardening done. I always tell myself I'll do it in the evening but here, the heat doesn't actually dissipate until after it's completely dark out.
  18. Image Tagging

    Requester: Boqing Gong Reward: $0.03 per HIT HITs Available: 9728 Duration: 60 minutes Auto-Approval Time: 7 days
    Qualifications Required: Total approved HITs is greater than 10000

  19. tehapollo

    tehapollo User

  20. B

    B User

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