[Poll] ~ Should Nanaki turn off his thread making bot?

Discussion in 'General' started by shootz, Mar 31, 2014.


Should Nanaki turn off his thread making bot?

Poll closed Jul 9, 2014.
  1. No

    12 vote(s)
  2. Yes

    23 vote(s)
  1. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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    Edit: Nanaki does not have a bot. Instead, he writes threads every night before midnight and posts them within the first seconds of the day change. Basically he does what a bot would do.

    This however, is besides the point. The whole reason I made this poll is because I wanted to see where the community stood on having new people make the daily threads. If you're interested in the details you can read below to understand the context of my mixup, the arguments I make against having the same person post every night, and Nanaki's justification of his daily posts.


    I would like to preface this by saying I have nothing against Nanaki, in fact, I didn't even know him until yesterday. It all started at 12:02 when I posted my first ever daily thread; it was alot of fun and a pretty good turking day for me as I felt very involved in the thread that I had made. When I submitted my thread, I found that someone else had posted a thread 2 minutes before me (hey no harm done, they beat me to it). But on further examination, I found that this same person had posted a thread almost every night for the past month right on the dot at midnight.

    Well that should of been the end of that... They beat me to it and I even stated that in my thread. But something weird happened; my thread picked up traction while the original thread failed to get more than a few posts. When I looked at the comments many of them were in reference to how Nanaki had dozens of previous threads and as such we should let the noob (me) have one. This didn't go over to well with Nanaki.

    Edit: turns out it went worse than I thought (his mtg account)


    I received a few messages from Nanaki, about this, and he actually seemed like a level-headed person. When I asked about his threads he told me he had a script that makes a new thread every night. What I'm wondering is, should this be an automated thing? I personally had alot of fun making the daily thread and I feel like it was beneficial for me as someone who doesn't post too often on here to contribute to the community. So basically what I'm wondering is this: Would you guys like to see new people making the threads each night or continue to have Nanaki's bot makes us the day's thread?

    tl;dr ~ Would you prefer automatic threads made by Nanaki or individual threads made by varying community members?
    #1 shootz, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  2. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Jul 13, 2013
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    1. I was not mad over the thread. I explicitly stated that to you a couple of times. I was annoyed that there was no post mentioning someone else was going to make it. All I ever asked was that I was given some courtesy via a pm or a post in that days thread. I also said this multiple times. You could even just say 'I'm making tomorrow's thread' and that would be fine. I have never gotten mad at anyone for making the thread and I was not mad then. I was annoyed when you rudely accused me of spamming the forum.

    2. I am not a female.

    3. I don't have a bot and I never said I use a bot.

    4. If you are going to post a picture post the entire thing.

    #2 nanaki254, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  3. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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    1. I think you might be taking this the wrong way, I never accused you of spam, but I did specifically ask you if you had a script that uploads a new daily thread, to which I referred to that script as spam. I also didn't think you were angry at me or anyone else, although that's less important.

    2. Sorry my mistake. I changed a few pronouns.

    3. I asked you if you had a script that loads a daily thread. If you didn't use one, you should have just told me.

    #3 shootz, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  4. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    Jul 13, 2013
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    It's not a script. I load it up beforehand and press post when the day changes.

    Anyone can make the thread as I had stated however unless I see someone say they will, I press post on the dot since people don't have a problem defaulting the thread making to me.
  5. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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    That's all fine and good, but the whole point of this is that if you're posting a thread every day at exactly midnight, then it discourages others from making threads. People shouldn't have to message you in order to contribute imo and I'm certain if you didn't post a thread every day then the community would make a thread. The idea that you are up every night before midnight writing a thread and submitting it on the dot comes off as selfish to me. Sure you don't care about one day and you'll let someone else make a thread if they ask you, but you absolutely care about posting threads over the long term.

    I would think that you write these because you enjoy it, which is why I don't understand why you are so apprehensive to let new people make threads without first getting your ehhh 'permission'.
  6. jenni3kat

    jenni3kat User

    Nov 29, 2012
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    I personally don't mind that he makes it every night. I have seen others make the thread and just let him know ahead of time and it was no big deal. If it was left up to whoever, then we'd have multiple threads started every night. I've never wanted to start a new one myself, but if I did, I'd have no problem telling him ahead of time cause I know he wouldn't mind. Just my 2 cents.
  7. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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    lol that's fine, I'm more interested in what everyone here has to say about it then my personal opinion. I appreciate your input!
  8. Wiggles

    Wiggles Popular Stranger

    Jan 8, 2014
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    I think it's good to have it especially when there isn't anyone on that late that much. It's what ever though I only made one thread and that will probably be it.
  9. Wayne Grow

    Wayne Grow User

    Feb 26, 2014
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    I like Nanaki's threads.
  10. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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    That's a good point and I appreciate you taking the time to give your opinion.

    Cool! For the most part I like them too, but I think it is a bit ridiculous that he expects people to check with him before posting one
  11. elt

    elt User

    Feb 19, 2013
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    F dayshift.
    post appears, that's all they care about.

    multiple post just make extra work for the Mods.
    just post before midnight you want to make a thread.

    it's a chaos vrs order thing.
    your poll misses the point.
  12. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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    I don't think it would be too much extra work for the mods and even if it is, deleting a thread only takes a few seconds. My point is that letting other people contribute to the group strengthens the community as a whole. Still, thanks for giving your input.
    #12 shootz, Mar 31, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2014
  13. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony
    Staff Member

    Jun 14, 2013
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    A few comments, not (entirely) as a mod, but as someone who enjoys this community.

    1: Having a default thread maker is necessary. It's crucial to have the thread-making centralized so that we don't have multiple daily threads. That makes it confusing for people just joining us and increases the mod's workload because then we have to combine them all and it makes it messy and annoying.

    2: In the same line of thinking, you're going about it wrong. You're right, you shouldn't have to "pm some random turker" about it. But you should post in the thread to let everyone know you're doing it. Again, this is to help centralize the thread-making and prevent duplicates that would be confusing.

    3: And the most important, seriously chill. Nanaki asked that you let him know before making the thread so he doesn't automatically do it. Granted, I would have probably left off the "inconsiderate and rude" part, but that's my own personality.

    Think of it this way: Every day you bake cupcakes for everyone at your job. Then one day someone else bakes cupcakes and brings them in without telling you. You went through the effort of getting the ingredients (finding a bunch of gifs) and making the cupcakes (setting up the thread creation), but for nothing because someone else did it instead.

    It's a labored metaphor, but hopefully it gets the point across.

    tl;dr: We need a centralized thread-creation system. Multiple threads is unfeasable and, frankly, a stupid way to run things. Next time, just say "I'm going to make the thread tomorrow". It takes less than 5 seconds, and ensures that we don't have any issues.

    If that's unacceptable, then I will write a script to do it. And the thread will be prison themed. And the only colors will be grey and sadness. And it will be everyone's fault because we can't have nice things when you all are bickering about whose thing is nicer!
  14. Monica

    Monica User

    Jan 9, 2014
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    How about this: idgaf.

    Jk but seriously, can someone make a thread in here just for calling dibs? And otherwise we can just default to nanaki? The thing is, most nights people forget to make the thread if it weren't for nanaki. Before this system, which works for the most part, threads wouldn't be made until the next day.

    Now, I'm gonna get mom on y'all.

    Nanaki; some people don't know about calling dibs here, that's cool. It's expected. No reason to get up in arms, posting complaints in threads and pming people about it, period. And absolutely no reason to end the first message with insults. Just yesterday you were preaching about treating requesters who make mistakes with respect, other forum members deserve the same.

    Shootz; I understand where you're coming from. But buddy just drop it. Its not worth the fight, and it's not worth losing a member (nanaki) over. It takes thirty seconds to post "dibs on thread". Not difficult, super simple.
  15. elt

    elt User

    Feb 19, 2013
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    nice edit
    multiple polls aren't a problem. make as many as you want. they mean nothing,

    multiple daily posts are a problem.
    problem for mods
    problems for users
    problems for requesters who on occasion like to followup
    chaos at midnight isn't freedom
    simply post your intention to make a thread before midnight pacific.
  16. Assraw Jim Duggan

    Jul 20, 2013
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    You can take "a bit" out of that because that is 100%, objectively ridiculous.


    I just care that the thread is there and could give a flying **** who made it, so while it's freaking laughable I don't see why anybody cares
  17. lanone

    lanone User

    Apr 10, 2013
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    Shootz started around the same time I did, last year. Every night someone would call dibs on making the thread or someone else would just do it. I don't think there should be an "official" or "unofficial" thread maker. The forum has been running for years without someone. I do agree with TJ that it needs to be discussed in the thread the night before. Everyone can't just start making threads randomly.
  18. trueakitalover

    Jun 24, 2009
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    I wish there was a thread for the following.

    Just surveys,
    Just for Batches,
    and Just for Masters.

    I hate having to scroll through message after messages just to find a batch or surveys mixed in with Masters.

    Not that I really use this site that much for HITS. I do like to check out the requesters to see if they are decent.
  19. Turker2013

    Turker2013 User

    Apr 10, 2013
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  20. shootz

    shootz Milk Man

    Apr 16, 2013
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