I have 16 updated scripts on Firefox. I've lost track of which ones have similar functions and what some of them do. What do these do? 1-worker.mturk.com2ClassicAllHITs 2-worker.mturk updater 3- ClassicAllHITsLink and do any overlap? 4-Amazon's Mechanical Turk: Always Show All D 5-[Worker] Today's Projected Earnings (mTurk) 6-[MTurk Worker] No HIT Reloader 7-[MTurk Worker] HIT Details Enhancer 8-MTurk Worker] Dashboard Enhancer
Seeing that you have MTS, you don't need most of the scripts above: 5-8 since it's already in MTS. 1 & 3 lets you look at all the HITs when you search rather than the latest search result. #2 allows you to scrape (1 second) right on the Mturk to see what's new.
anyone else notice the edit button doesn't work after you post in this thread? in addition to not being able to delete a post
People have edited their posts here. You can't edit after a certain amount of time has passed. Deleting your own posts was never an option even on the old forum.
I haven't uploaded it yet. But it's going to be called MturkTitleMaker and it's going to put the requester name in the title on the HIT pages. Maybe requester name and HIT title both. It's going to work on T.O.1 and T.O.2 sites too, with the requester names and requester ID showing up in the title. Does anyone know how to contact mmmturkeybacon? I have a heavily modified version of his mmmturkeybacon Color Coded Search with Checkpoints script. I need permission before I'm allowed to upload it to my Geasyfork account. Don't mention MTG. I'm not sure if the site is safe anymore given the result virustotal.com gives. Has anyone noticed the search or filter settings bleeding into the requester links?
you could try PM here on MTF, he has posted announcements but it's been awhile I've never seen him on IRC, probably has the same name on other forums?
[QUOTE="Turker2013, post: 1657596, member: 20906" Does anyone know how to contact mmmturkeybacon? Try GitHub, where they all hang out and answer questions. I know Kadauchi is there.
Anything like a (done)Hit Db coming down the pike? The green checkmarks on the site pages aren't accurate. Most are missing.
One of the scripts in Firefox, don't know which, should be checkingmarking completed hits in green. Most of them are missing. One where I submitted 8 says I submitted 4, etc. Is it worker.mturk updater by saqfish , description "Scrape right on the site."
I'll see if I can get it out by this weekend. Still needs some work. Does it bother anyone that search pages for requester links have a monetary value that fluctuates based on other search page refreshes? Open https://worker.mturk.com/requesters/A3RRY7BIF8JDCS/projects In a new tab, open https://worker.mturk.com/projects?p...se&sort=updated_desc&filters[min_reward]=0.10 Go back to https://worker.mturk.com/requesters/A3RRY7BIF8JDCS/projects and refresh. I guess we could call this search or filter bleed.
Both of these are unlisted scripts until I'm more confident. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/37464-howlongdiditake is still unlisted as it's a work in progress. The current issue is the ability to import larger databases into the script. Also, in the future, some things may be changed for efficiency. Feel free to try it. https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38277-mturktitlemaker is also a work in progress. Feel free to try it. Some things need fixed, and hopefully I'll get a new version posted by the weekend. Other scripts that will eventually come will be a Mturk_Blacklist script to hide by requesters ID or HIT ID.
Don't rush the scripts. I'd rather have them when all the bugs are knocked out. Blacklist already exists on MTS as Block hit or requ. and I think there's one for FF.
the latest mturk blog about worker site claims they fixed the title on the hit que actually what they did is put a header on the page showing the number of hits your script seems to use the same header on various pages. I'm not seeing requester name anywhere. reports https://turkopticon.info/requesters/reports?id=A1KRXW3OISUI49 not active https://turkopticon.ucsd.edu/reports?id=A1KRXW3OISUI49 no change https://worker.mturk.com/projects/3MX1CQXD15OPXFIQEZ3QUG3CYEQDW2/tasks?ref=w_pl_prvw 101 $0.20 (that's what my filter and the top header is on this page) https://worker.mturk.com/ Overview https://worker.mturk.com/dashboard?ref=w_hdr_db Your HITs Queue (2) https://worker.mturk.com/tasks also, your timerintitle script works for multi day hits, but just follows what the hit page says, how many minutes elapsed of how many minutes that is a little difficult to understand when days and hours are counted in minutes not saying it should change now, it is what it is I would expect amazon to fix this eventually.
I don't understand what you mean regarding the TimerInTitlebar script. Could you be more specific? Maybe mention a concrete example? If I recall, it should be showing like 1:06:05:01 for 1 day, 6 hours, 5 minutes, and 1 second left until expiration. It looks like no one has downloaded https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/38277-mturktitlemaker yet. It's at zero installs. Are people looking at the code and installing it that way? By the way, it's been updated. I'll have to look into the TO2 issue on 'blank pages' though.
I think I installed it by clicking which they should be able to detect as an install, but I have saved scripts then dragged them to the browser too. either way, they missed at least two installs. I don't know why I would be showing only minutes after I click work, this is the title with scripts disabled and the timer on the hit page Amazon Mechanical Turk https://worker.mturk.com/projects/... 5:48:51 of 4320 Min this is the timer on the hit que page 18:12:54 that's for the last 18 hours of a 3 day hit. it only showed hours on the first day too. with scripts enabled the timerintitlebar takes precedence over the mturk title maker and just shows exactly what the hit counter shows in the tab title you must have some other script converting minutes? the TO url in my last post I got from export scripts
As for TimerInTitlebar, I see the error. Sorry. I'll see if I can get it fixed this weekend. TimerInTitlebar should take precedence over MturkTitleMaker as TimerInTitlebar updates every second, whereas MturkTitleMaker only does its thing on page load.