Kadauchi says the old Hit Scraper works only on the old site. So what are my options for running 2 scripts at once, MTS for higher-paying hits, and something else besides Scraper for batches. How about Hit Forker?
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/3...x-uninstall-after-feih-fixes-original-version https://worker.mturk.com/hit_scraper I haven't tried it on chrome but I assume it will work there are a few problems in the export it doesn't convert seconds to minutes and other time allotted problems the timeout for TO is too short if you have a glitch or slow internet you won't get any TO any reason why not hit forker? it is practically the same and you also get logged hits more important, it's still being bug fixed and improved, though it also has too short a timeout on TO and it also grabs Tv ratings https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/36368-hit-forker https://worker.mturk.com/?hit_forker
Scraper doesn't work in Chrome. I don't use the export, don't have time. Installed Forker. What do you mean by TV ratings? TV shows?
I may be asking the obvious here but what link are you going to to access Hit Scraper? Once I got the correct link it works fine for me in Firefox. worker.mturk.com/scraper I get a brief "Page not found" as it's loading but it works fine after it loads. Also, I probably missed part of the conversation but why don't you use Mturk Suite? I use that in Firefox which has Tracker.
What would be making it auto accept the (same) next hit for that requestor? In the past couple of days I will submit a hit and it will auto accept it again and I don't know it. I use several scripts including mturk suite. I do not have the Auto Accept Checker marked in the Options.
I am having the same issue. I have to try to remember to uncheck that whenever I accept a survey. Just found out it had nothing to do with MTS. It's all Mturk's doing. They added that. There's a script for it to have it unchecked. If you want it checked, you have to disable the script. elt posted the script below...
Since I posted that, Kadauchi helped me get the new URL for Scraper on Chrome. I use FF 52ESR, and MTS won't run on it. Running on the v.56+ track would wipe out most of my extensions. If Scraper gets a "none available" on FF, I have to rt-click, copy the URL, then plug it into Hit Catcher on Chrome. After about a year of that, I just moved everything into Chrome.
Kadauchi posted https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/368412-mturk-worker-auto-accept-unchecker likely MTS will be fixed soon but maybe this will work short term? I haven't tried it
Every time I have HitFinder just so, an update messes it up. I had color scheme Lumen with VisitedLinks in a different color. I don't write Javascript and I got it from someone else, so I don't know where to put it back. It was: Code: javascript:document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`, `<style>a:visited { color: #DC3545; }</style>`);
how could anyone have guessed the MTurk team would push such a dopey change a day before a holiday weekend, then go on vacation? but I guess they have done it before. Kadauchi has said he has no control over the chrome update process you can go to the extensions page click to enter developer mode then change update to manual somehow. this will prevent surprise updates the disadvantage is, when you want to update, you go to the extensions page, click update then everything tries to update so you still don't quite have complete control but it does give you the chance to wait to see if you can avoid any problems
that looks like a bookmarklet, you would have to enter it as a bookmark then click on it after hit finder was started every time (or any other page) it's a few pages back in this thread too? visited links Orange Code: javascript:document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`,%20`<style>a:visited%20{color:%20#B22222%20!important;}</style>`);
Made the bookmark, not working. That method didn't work at some point, and a fellow at MTC gave me a line to add to "Inspect," and I just found it. document.head.insertAdjacentHTML(`beforeend`, `<style>a:visited { color: #CFB53B; }</style>`);
too bad we don't have a good way to automate using inspect that has the capability to edit the running code of a page or extension a bookmarklet will be easier. click bookmark this page on any page, then you can edit in the name and the link copy the link Kadauchi gave with "important" in it. you can change the color code to anything else I tried to make a link in my post so anyone could drag & drop as a bookmark but xenfro being supper smart and helpful decided that probably was an error on my part and kept erasing the link