Reversing a Rejection

Discussion in 'Requesters' started by Crayonshaver, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. I had a rejection recently, and when I contacted the requester, she said she would reverse it if she could, but she didn't know how. Is there some guidance for these novice requesters about how to go about reversing a rejection? I had one do it, so I know it's possible.
  2. Whimsy

    Whimsy User

    Requesters have their own form of a dashboard I think - and they may be able to do it from there. I've read that Amazon has made it easier for requesters to do this on their own.
  3. BMW-M3

    BMW-M3 User

    Contact Andy, the forum admin. He has access to the requester board. Its very easy.
  4. Alohashavon

    Alohashavon Active Member

    A Requester, Medha Gargeya, had a problem with her survey and accidentally rejected a group of us so I sent her an email letting her know and asking her to reverse the rejection and she sent this response:

    "Thank you so much for your message and for taking our survey. I apologize for the delay in responding. We are trying to figure out how to pay those who have let us know about some of the confusion regarding the survey. We understand that many people were disappointed about their rejection and hope to reverse their rejection. Do you know any way to go about this? We do not want to unfairly penalize you or others.
    Thank you for understanding. Please let us know if you have any suggestions."

    I sent her the information from this link from the Turker Nation forum and she reversed the rejection RIGHT AWAY!!!

    Many rejections are an honest mistake by the Requester. Some of them have no idea that the rejections impact us for future HITs. Most of the Requesters I have contacted have been willing to reverse the rejection but did not know how to do it. This information makes it easy for them.

    I have the webpage bookmarked for anytime I get a rejection! Thought maybe it would be helpful to everyone here as well. The thread is in a "public" area of the forum so no special privileges are needed to see it ;)
  5. @alohashavon - this was the same requester. She reversed it. I had another requester who didn't know how, so I thought it might be useful for us workers to know how it's done so that we can advise the ones who don't know.

    @Riaz! Thank you - that's exactly what I wanted. I think more would reverse if they knew how. I do mostly surveys, which are students new to mTurk and they don't understand how their rejections affect turkers.
  6. Riaz, i 2 suffered with recent rejection of 221 hits. Requester promised me to lift up rejection but he was not sure of doing that process. Thanks Dude.
  7. With great pleasure and I wanted to know your rejection is now lifted up? With my googling power me doing that. Alhamdulillah! Thanks to Allah!

    Hi Riyaz bro ,
    Good to hear that I can help you in this way. Wanted to know that your rejection is reversed?

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