
Discussion in 'General' started by sdwahine, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. sdwahine

    sdwahine Member

    I'm fairly new to this... I've done almost a hundred tagcow HITS... How long is the approval time with them? Or do they even pay?
  2. If you are referring to "Does this image have any blemishes?" HITs, don't worry you will get paid as they are very simple. I have done 4 and got paid 0.04 (LOL).....Don't do such low paying HITs unless you want to improve your approval rate. If you are new to mturk then please get installed firefox plugin from http://turkopticon.differenceengines.com/ to get reviews about requesters and HITs. HTH

    As you are new I would suggest not to do so many HITs from a single requester. Try couple of them and if they are approved do the rest if available. Mass rejection may affect your approval rate. Use this forum to get to know about scammer requesters and scam HITs and avoid them. Good Luck and Happy Turking. Don't expect much and do it as you are playing a video game :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2010
  3. ennaira

    ennaira User

    I just want to share my experience yesterday night from this Requester TAGCOW (Identify the celebrities in this photo. FUN!)45 HITs were simply rejected. I strictly followed their instructions. The first 57 HITS were approved within couple of hours but the rest were annoyingly got rejected.
  4. justfight

    justfight User

    Not much FUN!, eh?
  5. MsTurker

    MsTurker New Member

    I liked working on this hit. I did 93 and got 3 rejected. I skipped more hits than I submitted, though. And it did get annoying after awhile because majority were the Olympian athletes.

    I wish there was a way I could find out which photos were rejected....:confused:
  6. ataur.rahman1

    ataur.rahman1 Member

    I also have a bitter experience with this requester, i worked on his HIT in two installment first was accepted but second was rejected, since i followed all his instructions, avoid to work on his HIT.

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