Can't Find Great Hits? 5/6 Waffle Pancakes Wednesday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, May 6, 2015.

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  1. redstorm

    redstorm User

    6:59. Just put my daughter to bed and hopped online.

    For those curious, I'm just shy of 21k approved.
  2. So sayeth the Book of Turk.
  3. JAWN

    JAWN User

    I saw somebody here get a few months ago with just over 10k...if that's what you're asking.
  4. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    I've pretty much DAMNED myself from acquiring Masters, with all the Poke fun at crap paying requesters and AMT HITS I post.. but who cares, I will still post and make fun of shitty requesters HITS... so there AMT...
  5. Faithers

    Faithers User

    Someone got it with 1100. They got all those mad turking skillz at that point ;)
  6. Killwaukee

    Killwaukee User

  7. heyscotttt

    heyscotttt User

    I may or may not have sent drunken e-mails to Amazon in the past so I'm certain I am blacklisted. Lets start our on Mturk and call it NTurk
  8. SAJ

    SAJ Banned

    All this "masters" talk leads me to believe that CrAzY Duck will soon release a "Master of Puppets" single then drop the mic like nobody ever has
  9. [​IMG]
  10. JAWN

    JAWN User

    Coming from one of the elder statesmen here, I appreciate that.

    Plenty more people are way more qualified probably, but this couldn't have come at a better time for me. In a ho(s)tel in Berlin(Maryland) right now, heading to Prague(Nebraska) tomorrow for the IIHF games. Still haven't bought a return ticket. So yeah, I've been doing a drunken dance offending Euros for the past 30 minutes.
  11. Congrats to Redstorm, Tehpollo and all others who got the masters!

    But I still think 200+ masters after 4 months of nothing is pretty darn stingy on the part of Amazon (no offense Amazon)!

    Nevertheless congrats and welcome to the Masters! :D
  12. sLipx

    sLipx User

    Yes it is thank you!
  13. db42

    db42 User

    Time to ban Amazon for bullying non-masters. smh
  14. TurkingPimp

    TurkingPimp Banned

    Anyone else noticing the C-SAT server starting to slow down and load slow when you have done a lot of hits?
  15. OK let's talk about this. Here's my philosophy: If you see an ARWA hit and you don't have masters? DO IT. If you have masters, avoid!

    What do you guys think?

    If you don't have masters, you WANT amazon to review your stuff and maybe they will give the masters.
  16. Calebro

    Calebro Guest

    If the N stands for Nude, I am in...
  17. heyscotttt

    heyscotttt User

    This is why I invited you. We think alike. Now to recruit some women!
  18. darkrock

    darkrock User

    I've never noticed it before, but it's being SUPER slow for me right now.
  19. SAJ

    SAJ Banned

    My surgery is in 3 months ...can you wait ?
  20. B

    B User


    Good masters survey for the new masters regarding magic.
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