Can't Find Great Hits? 9/25 Freaky Friday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Sep 24, 2015.

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  1. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Anyone else work in telemarkting or a call center before?

    I worked one back in high school to make money. I had a few buddies that did it and they were coming home with fat checks. To a 16 year old it was a nice chunk of change. Anyway, it was actually fairly lucrative, depending on what you were pushing. Base pay was about minimum wage at the time (early 2000s) + a commission per sale on top of that. There were other bonuses that kicked if you reached milestones. I had the best commission with subscriptions to either magazines or some social club--think it had to do with police. If the list was solid for leads you would get people that were actually interested.

    However, the worst was when you'd get someone that was so happy to be talking to another human. You could tell almost instantly they weren't going to purchase but you couldn't hang up because they didn't disengage. It would wreck your average length of call record too. In hindsight, at least you might have been cheering someone up that had a very lonely life.
  2. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    Skype is pretty reasonable for North America calls. I think the base sub is like $6 a month and the dialer is quite good.
  3. 88Keys

    88Keys User

    Yes, but not the kind that does telemarketing. I worked for a company that provided customer service for banks with credit cards. It was one of the better jobs I ever had, though I don't think I could do it forever.

    ETA- they called me, I didn't call them. So I didn't get too many of the "just happy to be talking to someone" type calls.
  4. Super fast. 10-min. timer.

    Title: Two minute product choice survey
    Requester: Jeff Larson [AK3S4SD3A8K14] (TO)
    TO Ratings:
    4.33 Communicativity
    4.44 Generosity
    4.77 Fairness
    4.90 Promptness
    Number of Reviews: 26
    (Submit a new TO rating for this requester)

    Description: Take a short survey.
    Time: 10 minutes
    Hits Available: 1
    Reward: $0.51
    Qualifications: Masters has been granted
  5. The telephone was the worst invention in human history

    Should've gone from the telegram to computers with no in-between.
  6. I used to do cold calling for a powersport auction. I made pretty good money and loved what I did. That's before my ex got a hold of me and killed what self esteem I had. These days I can barely talk to yall without feeling like you all think I am an idiot.
  7. I did telemarketing in college. It was decent work, paid better than minimum wage, and was full time.

    Then the paychecks started bouncing because the companies that hired us weren't paying the company I worked for (supposedly). I bounced out the door not long after that.

    Then I got a job a couple years ago with a great company doing phone sales. It was fine and we had to just meet quota. No call demands, able to source our own targets, etc... Then we got a new manager that said that ANY sales department without an auto dialer and a list of phone numbers was a failing department. Within a week, I was doing 100 calls a day and NO sales. First time in three years I never made quota. I pleaded with him, but he wouldn't budge. Our department went into the shitter and was all blamed on the lack of work done by us employees.

    There is good money in being annoying sometimes....
  8. Tjololo

    Tjololo Pony Staff Member

  9. KTownTurk

    KTownTurk User

    Right out of high school I worked for US Cellular in their Financial Services dept - that moved to OK and I transferred to customer service. Customer service was horrible! I also work in a call center now. Started on the phones for collections and am now the office administrator. If they told me to get back on the phones or lose my job - I would quit.
  10. Ahh but you see, I am an idiot. So it works out that I feel that way a lot. lol
  11. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    The ones asking if they was open on memorial day were pretty sweet as well...wish they came back
  12. pdrmturk

    pdrmturk User

    lol. There would be no computer without the telephone.
  13. I worked in a few call centers over the years and I never ended up at one that didn't eventually turn to shit. It may well depend on the state or the economy, but all I know is eventually they'd all end up frustrating and maddeningly poorly run to the point that everyone was miserable, both customers and employees alike. In an economy where lots of people need a job, they didn't care how high their turnover was, because they could just replace whoever they were treating poorly as quickly as they needed to.

    It's something most could probably stand to do for a year or whatever, however long it takes to find something else, but being stuck in a place like that for any extended period of years would be hellish, IMO (actually, was hellish, I worked in a place that was a small company that turned *into* a call center over a period of about 5 years, you could see their fall from great little company with relatively few issues to awfully run garbage place as you watched their change into large scale call center).
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 25, 2015
  14. ETC1337

    ETC1337 User

    god thats hilarious

    I love prank calls as some you guys on here know :rolleyes:
  15. "Is CHAMP there?"

    "Champ who? Who is Champ?"

  16. That's what the phone companies want you to think
  17. This, too, if you make it to administration or payroll or management of some kind it's bearable, phones just are not sustainable to deal with for a long period of time for most people in that kind of role.
  18. These simones are like the worst Spieks ever.
  19. [video=youtube;a6a-CZMrVAg][/video]

    This is may favorite prank call guy ever....
  20. 88Keys

    88Keys User

    Customer service where I worked was not too bad. I never had to do collections. I got to transfer into the mail department, where I sorted and processed and sometimes answered mail. Yes, literal snail mail, on paper. I really enjoyed that.

    They told me "occasionally, when it's busy, you'll still have to answer calls." This eventually turned into being on the phone and processing mail all day, every day. Still getting the same amount of pay for doing two jobs. It got to be too much and I quit. I do kind of regret that, though- I wish I had tried to apply for a position in another department, like training, before I left. The job I had after that was the worst one of my life.
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