Can't find Money Makin' HITs? 10/28 - Master the Monday!

Discussion in 'Great HITs' started by nanaki254, Oct 28, 2013.

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  1. yancy

    yancy User

    These new Agent Agent HITs with the writing are sort of a bummer.

    On the other hand, I'm getting really good at cranking out vapid bull**** describing the icons in 30 seconds or less:

    "A game about food pokemon."
    "A game about food served by an obnoxious teenage girl."
    "A game where evil hamburgers control the world."

    (Don't use any of those, by the way, they're spoken for).
  2. ....sigh

  3. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    ive hardly ever done any FE, they've never seemed worth the money to me, but serious question have they rejected so many that peoples overall approval ratings have dropped below 95 and worse?
  4. PhilGil

    PhilGil User

    I must be getting tired, that was one of the most mesmerizing gif's I've seen around here. Couldn't look away.
  5. razorbacks

    razorbacks Banned

    NNNNew batches at midnight on a slow night, it's gonna rain tomorrow.
  6. vickiJ

    vickiJ User

    They're saying this now:

    "In order for this hit to be accepted, it must match at least one other hit for the same product. Only those hits that match another entry will be paid."

    On ingredients? The one I just pulled up had 30 ingredients for a dime? And I have to match at least one other person? Chances for that are not in my favor.

    The ones I did do, ingredient wise, were GREEN BEANS. I typed GREEN BEANS. If it said Green Beans, I typed Green Beans. No freaking way would I type 30 ingredients for a nickel or a dime. What makes it even worse is that I'm counting on someone else to type the exact same thing I have typed.

  7. razorbacks

    razorbacks Banned

  8. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    i only got 1 reject from them from the 2 grading periods. that was from the only icon i did from the first period.
  9. Jak

    Jak User

    Unless someone new started doing them and got everything rejected, then I doubt anyone's been dropped to 95. In this game though, if you're under 99, you're going to have a rough time.
  10. razorbacks

    razorbacks Banned

    I've had one rejection in the last month, it had to be from....... Crowdsurf.
  11. Apaullo

    Apaullo Multi Pennyaire


    Today's Projected Earnings $23.05
    Today 98
  12. No but how FE treats you depends on what % of FE hits FE says you've done correctly. It's super confusing.
  13. nanaki254

    nanaki254 User

    they still havent replied back to my email xD
  14. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    gotcha, yeah i agree on the under 99. i only followed some of it today and wasnt sure if their screwup was preventing a lot of people from working now or what.
  15. Ginger73

    Ginger73 User

    Today's Projected Earnings $40.67
  16. Summer78

    Summer78 User

    i was never comfortable doing their hits cause so many of their photos suck so bad. by the time i returned a couple and found one that i could read and didnt have every damn ingredient known to man it wasnt worth it
  17. Who here thinks Food-essential's will post anything else besides Ingredient's? Haha
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